Yes and No, depending.
Re part:
“It simply reinforces the government’s unchecked power to arbitrarily audit, fine, shut down, and expropriate production of private companies.”
“Under this new law, the government will have the honorable burden of defending consumers from greedy producers.”
The story doesn’t say if those “private businesses” are local domestic small businesses or most likely they are big publically held multi national global corporations.
The USA has had a slow death (lower living standards lagging wages) since 1980 because of global corporations, that control our Congress, and pushed thru many anti American trade treaties. Big corporations don’t care about any particular COUNTRY other than what they can GET. Not patriotic at all. Out for themselves or share holders. Arbitraging US labor and taxes.
My guess is Argentina and Venezuela are victims of globalization are humbled and “can’t take it anymore” so are reacting or defending themselves. These big corporations have great entitlements. They do big campaign contributions, hire lobbyists etc.
In my view the Americans were SOLD OUT decades ago by our dumb elected politicians. The story might be fitting my post meltdown new saying…..”What ever under handed thing you were getting away with, its going to end”
One by one, starting with Bernie Madoff. Look around and listen and notice how many times you read or hear about someone or company getting CAUGHT.