‘Let’s Get Real About the Stock Market’
Have a Great Labor Day Weekend Commish !
I like your charts with the commentary ..for a novice they make sense
Thank you kindly for your ‘Peace Offering’. Quite generous and kind of you. I like my commissioned art work. Quite the resemblance I might add.
In return, I hope you will accept my token of friendship, a frog with nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for you. Something to remember your FarmFrog, as I will always cherish your rendered artwork of one quite ugly, but humble with his old hat. (grin)
A token, and a Blessing this evening.
May the Good Lord, Bless and Keep Thee, Always,
Farm Frog ( who wears such a title with humble pride) And of course, always, a generous smile.
: ) Friends? I have to say, it’s a pleasure to know a woman with ‘True Grit’ !
![]() |
Values Entered: | ||
Quantity: | 1 | |
Coin Type: | 1916-1945 Silver Mercury Dime | |
Silver Price: | $19.43 / troy ounce | |
Total silver value is $1.41.
At risk of again being banned or chastised for being an uncaring person who has no compassion for the poor people involved in this “tragedy”, I submit the following. IMO it is pure BS, and here’s why.
Play the clip through until the instructor asks her to give him one shot. Notice the sand kick up behind the target. Now he places the weapon on automatic and she fires, losing control of the weapon. What you need to do is to stop (pause) the clip immediately when she begins the automatic fire. Notice the weapon does NOT go over her head as they say but swings directly to the left. If you were able to stop the clip before it ends you will see ONE more shot hitting the sand but you can hear about 4-5 more shots fired as the weapon swings to the left. Where are the other shots that should be leaving their trail kicking up sand in that sandpit?? There are NONE!! So this is how I believe they set this false flag up. The weapon was loaded with blanks except for the first two rounds. She fired the first; then she fired the second and several more as she lost control of the weapon, but only ONE shot is visible in pit where there should have been a distinct trail of those several last rounds leaving their trail just as the first round did.
No doubt in my mind this is another gun confiscation ploy to gain public sympathy!! Silverngold
When Moochell waddles down the hallways in the grey house, traffic is one way and the furniture on both sides gets moved. I guess she doesn’t believe she is a little hefty and doesn’t need to follow her own guidelines. I understand the private school her daughters attend are exempt from dietary guidelines.
i know a president can issue pardons and the ag can issue immunity. Maybe congress can grow a set and strip them of their benefits. They can go roast marshmallows.
my favorite small denomination is actually …
goldbug .. when you flip for a nickel make sure you flip a war nickel 1942 45.. they have silver in them
Total silver value is $1.09.
and are worth more than a nickel …….that way the flip pays off …..at least you keep the nickel
do not flip this stock
Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp | TNX.TO | 15:59 | 2.67 | CAD | +0.17 | +6.80% |
Least that is my thinking and take. And I am guessing the world of Derivatives, what Warren Buffet once called, The Real Weapon o f Mass Destruction, is in large part to blame. Who is to say that the contracts on the futures market are not offset a dozen other ways with the secret and mostly hidden derivative contracts. Just way over my experience and thoughts, but that is my sneaky suspicion.
2 +2 = 5 in this brave new Financial World. And if one does not at least entertain that idea, in my opinion they will get their investment stolen right in front of their very eyes. Or worse.
Which this video graphically demonstrates. May seem a little ‘far out’ but then, most things I am seeing these days would have been thought blasphemous in America just ten years ago.
Greyerz: “The amount of paper gold outstanding is so large. And once people start to distrust the system and they start to understand that (Western) central banks have no gold or very little gold left, and the bullion banks likewise, then the 100 – 1 ratio of paper to physical (gold) will lead to a massive short covering
king world news Greyerz
..charts will be in the eye of the beholder .. like in eye wash
the chart guys are charting paper .. 100 to 1 paper (which the guys chart) to physical (which the boyz do not chart ..
will the charts give a heads up on any overnight moves that might come as a reset of the assets .. and the mispricing of all assets in the system ..
best to just buy and hold the gold and silver … rather than trying to skim a couple pennies off the top
But when it comes to GO DAWGS, well….I aint promising nothing. (grin)
The Commitment of Traders Report
*The large specs increased their long positions by 1,868 contracts and increased their shorts by 3,495 contracts.
*The commercials decreased their longs by 184 contracts and decreased their shorts by 248 contracts.
*The small specs increased their longs by 370 contracts and reduced their shorts by 1,193 contracts.
*The large specs decreased their long positions by 11,824 contracts and increased their shorts by 12,983 contracts.
*The commercials increased their longs by 5,056 contracts and decreased their shorts by 10,058 contracts.
*The small specs increased their longs by 910 contracts and increased their shorts by 217 contracts.
On the face of it, this report would be called bullish. But since we know the likes of a JP Morgan (and probably others like them), only report what they want us to see, what do they matter?
but its almost here. Kinda like Christmas eve aint it. But in the morning is GAME DAY ! Phew, didn’t think we could hold out much longer before being bored out of our minds. Course, after your marshmallow roasting instructions, I nearly lost it.
Say, I wonder if those fine Forestry folks have a manual that a man could read in less than a week on curing Chigger bites?
about that ‘understanding’. (grin)
Making fun of my crayons like that. I think her broomsticks are getting too big for her. Yeah….that’s what I think. 🙂 Maybe a ‘Time Out’ with a box of crayons would fix her?
Red R The Roses,
Crayons Green can make prose.
Don’t Be so quick to turn up purple nose,
The heart of Gold knows !
And aint a thing wrong with my writing. Its the reading I never did learnt. Reading a woman’s mind is beyond me !)
Armoured China vehicles cause alarm in Hong Kong
Hong Kong democracy advocates expressed alarm Friday after Chinese army vehicles were photographed travelling down a major thoroughfare, in what they condemned as a show of “military might” ahead of expected protests.
At least four People’s Liberation Army (PLA) armoured personnel carriers were seen in the small hours of Thursday near the busy Jordan and Yau Ma Tei regions of the city, the Apple Daily newspaper reported.
The vehicles, with short guns mounted on turrets, were spotted at a time of heightened public discontent in the semi-autonomous city over perceived interference by Beijing and a debate over how the next chief executive will be chosen under planned reforms.
Beijing has promised the former British colony will be able to vote for its own leader in 2017.
But it has insisted on vetting candidates through a pro-Beijing nominating committee, a move activists fear would disqualify anyone critical of the mainland authorities.
A pro-democracy group, Occupy Central, has pledged to mobilise thousands of protesters to block the financial district if authorities refuse to allow the public to choose candidates.
more http://news.yahoo.com/chinese-army-vehicles-cause-alarm-hong-kong-070708344.html
Does the Fire get Stoked?
Jack be quick, Jack jump over the $SILVER candlestick..
“Now, the State Department interim rule just raised the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship to $2,350 from $450. Critics note that it’s more than twenty times the average level in other high-income countries. The State Department says it’s about demand on their services and all the extra workload they have to process people who are on their way out.”
Comment: You can leave, you just cant check out. Leastways with all your belongings.
Reckon is a good song to start the evening.
Like this fella’s thinking on those market numbers. Or as Ment would say…”whose numbers?”
Have a Great Labor Day Weekend Commish !
I think it is the other Mister on this board, Mr. Copper, that was keeping on eye out for a trade in Nat Gas. Might be something to keep an eye on. Yesterday’s release of the summer inventory rebuild is still lagging quite a bit. Still below the 5 year avg. IF, we get and early or strong winter season this year it might do well to have a few longs for Feb or April sitting out there. I dunno,….just something I am watching to pass the time. (grin)