Auandag; Scruffy – thanks for posting that stuff by Rob Kirby
Having just gotten a chance to listen to the interview, I will say that I agree with much of what he says – “Dollar hegemony”, “buying time”, “fraud”….
But not knowing much about Kirby, questions come up that relate to his credibility. Especially when he talks of 50% premiums to spot.
I wish Greg Hunter would have told us more about him. Who is Kirby? What is his background?
Kirby, “who specializes in acquiring large amounts of physical gold for clients…”
How did he get his niche?
Why would anybody that has the ability to buy tonnes of gold use Kirby? Not use a bullion bank or Goldman or COMEX surrogates? For that matter, at these prices they could buy their very own gold mine !
Would appreciate any info you have on the man.
RE: Rob Kirby interview
Posted by Auandag @ 20:03 on November 30, 2014
Posted by Scruffy @ 12:32 on December 1, 2014