@Trader Dan too
re part:
“I start reading a lot more articles about gold than I finish reading. This is because as soon as I read something in an article that reveals a very basic misunderstanding about the gold market, I stop reading. Sometimes I don’t even get past the first paragraph.
“I refuse to waste time reading the words of someone who has just demonstrated cluelessness on the topic at hand.”
Me too. I started reading that thing, skimmed thru it, and determined the author himself is clueless.
We all here know how there was plenty of growth in the world economy after 1980 until 2001, as gold, silver copper etc DROPPED for 21 years.$800 gold went to $250 over 21 years. Silver went $50 to $4.
Copper was down to 46 cents after 21 years. Heating oil and diesel down to $42 cents by 2001. With TONS OF growth in China et al.
The Greenspan, Clinton, Rubin, Altman, Summers STRONG DOLLAR policy from ’92 to ’00 was the final blow-off of falling commodity prices combined with extreme artificial growth. 1980 to 2001 rest in peace.
All new game after 2001 and more so after 2008.