Posted by Richard640
@ 22:43 on November 11, 2014
GCZ14 – December Gold (Last:1161.80)
November 11, 2014 9:58 p.m. EST
The rally will need some giddyup to escape gravity’s pull, since merely dawdling at these levels will only increase the risk of relapse below a major Hidden Pivot support at 1137.50. The support has been tested twice and done its job, but it seems unlikely to hold if it gets pummeled a third time. Bulls kept the futures out of trouble yesterday nonetheless, energizing a $27 rally that offered subscribers a low-risk opportunity to get long. I’d suggested doing so if 1158.90 was touched, which occurred during the regular session at around noon. Even though we were using an 1195.00 target, I had also warned traders to take a profit at 1171.00, a ‘midpoint pivot’ associated with the target. This proved to be good advice, since the futures pulled back (so far) by $12 after peaking at 1172.50.
Now bulls will need to forge higher, and soon. An obvious benchmark by which we can judge their success is the 1194.10 target shown (slightly revised from yesterday). But they’ll need to do slightly better than that, exceeding the ‘external’ peak at 1202.80 that I’ve labeled, in order to take charge. If this has not happened by Thursday night, however, a fall below 1137.50, with the implications noted above, will become an odds-on bet at week’s end.
Posted by Richard640
@ 21:53 on November 11, 2014
Hedge funds computers have NOW BECOME THE MARKETS. That is the sad truth and based on the inaction and blasé attitude of exchange officials, it is never going to change. Maybe, in a few more years, after the computers have run all of the commercial interests and small specs out of the market, and all that is left is computers trading against other computers, some enterprising group of individuals will construct an exchange in which transparency and actual price discovery once again becomes the main focus of the exchange. Wouldn’t that be something?
Not any more – these enormous hedge funds ( way too large) swamp everything in sight whether they are coming into a market or exiting a market. They know nothing of finesse or skill – they simply rapid fire huge blocks of buys or sells into a market, regardless of its size in relation to the number of positions they either have on or wish to add, and obliterate anything that happens to be on the other side. That also includes COMMERCIALS, a growing number of which have had enough of the kind of carnage produced by these mindless machines and their owners and are moving more and more of their business to OTC markets, where they do not have to put up with this sort of thing.
[of course, he will say I misinterpreted this article]
Posted by Richard640
@ 19:59 on November 11, 2014
This Major Catalyst To Send Oil, Gold, & Silver Skyrocketing
Today an acclaimed money manager told King World News for the second week that we are very close to seeing one of the most dramatic reversals in any market in history in the gold, silver, and oil markets. Stephen Leeb also said that one of these key markets will be a stunning 70 to 90 percent higher in 12 months.
Eric King: “Stephen, last week you said we were close to one of the most dramatic reversals in history. Friday was a big up-day for gold. Yesterday and today we are seeing more volatility in the gold market. What are you focused on right now?”
Leeb: “Things are happening right now that no one would have ever believed. For instance, Russia is now going to war with Ukraine — doing whatever they want — and no one is even blinking an eye because everyone knows there is absolutely nothing the West can do to stop Russia….
“Also, and this is very interesting, Eric, Hungary is led by a man who really believes the West is bankrupt. And if you look at the Hungarian economy it is certainly outperforming the Germany economy, which is the best performing economy in Europe right now. And Hugary’s leader really believes that the way to the future is going to be through economies like China, Russia, and Singapore. These are economies in the East, not the West. As I said, he thinks the West is simply bankrupt.,_Gold,_%26_Silver_Skyrocketing.html
Posted by ment17
@ 19:36 on November 11, 2014
another death on his hands… these guys destroy millions bombs missiles. I am sure one more death by an drunk auto accident no matter how painful is never a second of concern for the big boys.. presidents policy’s destroy the lives of many.. Keynesian economics is the source or war, starvation, poverty .. early death..
thanks for the article ,,
Posted by Buygold
@ 18:59 on November 11, 2014
Wolfgang Halbig is the man. I have no idea what really went down in Sandy Hook but I think Wolfgang has a good grip on things and to him nothing smells right.
The question always becomes, what/why are they hiding information and threatening a former cop and educator? Why deny him information? Nothing has been hidden in Columbine – he was there. Nothing has been hidden in Seattle.
But this thing in Sandy Hook was a big, well controlled story, then disappeared. Why?
The MSM is totally controlled and and a willing accomplice to every major event – taking the gov’t information and running with it without so much as a peep or a questioning of facts.
It’s funny, around the world and especially in Europe they laugh at us. They laugh because they believe we are the most propagandized nation in the world. The sheep here in the US will believe anything. They are right.
Posted by Maya
@ 17:55 on November 11, 2014
I’m a Vet… but I still had to work for my meals today. I’m prouder to say that I’ve never taken a government paycheck EXCEPT those horrid years in the Army. Been a private-sector producer/earner (and tax mule) ever since.
You’re welcome.
Posted by Samb
@ 17:42 on November 11, 2014
Ever hear of the saying that: Hell Hath no fury like a women scorned? How could you possibly shut them up? So, the funeral director comes home and tells his wife that Sandy is all a scam. Later she finds out that he is playing around with her best girlfriend. Want to try shutting her up? Or the local police Sargent or the county police or the State Police…so many wives and their friends, sisters and relatives in so many states.
Posted by silverngold
@ 17:09 on November 11, 2014
Not here, off goldtent by FGC and Admin at the time it happened in December 2012 I think.
Samb….. How do you fool an entire country?? By owning the MSM, splashing the gruesome details all over the front page news stories, making everyone feel sorry for all the victims, especially the poor children. On a local level the school was isolated and had been closed for 4 years before the incident. Hire the close neighbors to participate in the drill and require they sign oaths to keep quiet. Pay off the actors and the local police who participated. If you start digging into this cesspool you will keep turning up more and more unbelievable info that makes a laughing stock of anyone who actually has fallen for this hoax. Every story leads to the conclusion it was nothing but a False Flag hoax to try to get the public behind gun control…..and the worst of it was that Obama actually played a part in it. What a effing loser that illegal imposter has turned out to be, but he has bought off 50 million Americans and their families with food stamps to keep them quiet while he rapes the country of it’s Constitutional rights. Silverngold
Posted by winedoc
@ 17:02 on November 11, 2014
Nice rock garden
I cut the sod out by hand and am prepping the soil. Will get a load of topsoil and compost in the spring.
i could have hired a man with a mini excavator but sometimes hard labour is good for the soul
Mrs Winedoc wants to try some veggies next year, if the deer and other critters don’t eat everything ……..
Well, we will give it a try
Best Regards
Posted by ment17
@ 16:59 on November 11, 2014
as the screw turns down ,..the short covering…action earlier is now the shorts piling on again down we go lol
gold is the whipping boy of a corrupt financial system… protect fiat at all costs
Posted by ipso facto
@ 16:53 on November 11, 2014
Posted by eeos
@ 16:48 on November 11, 2014
now you need to start on the rock garden concept….have a good evening!
Posted by winedoc
@ 16:45 on November 11, 2014
My daughter and I went to the cottage on Remembrance Day. We observed our Veterans at the cenotaph. Then on to the sea shore on a warm sunny day. She was studying for exams and I tried to till a new garden area until I ran into a 200 lb rock.
i was ready to give up ……
Used the jeep and got it out
I feel accomplished and when I got home noticed gold,are silver are up a little
So, I give thanks
Posted by Maddog
@ 16:38 on November 11, 2014
This is the kind of action we see day in day out on the PM stockcloses.
Posted by Samb
@ 16:22 on November 11, 2014
One of you guys has to tell me how you can fool an entire town? Come on…
Posted by silverngold
@ 15:35 on November 11, 2014
It was obvious from the start but I have been called many names and even kicked off the tent for seeing it for what it was and calling it a hoax from the start. That POS impostor in the whitehouse even took part in the lie, trying to use it for gun control. That lie by itself ought to be enough to impeach that illegal BASTARD!! Silverngold
Posted by islandgold
@ 14:52 on November 11, 2014
Hi Ment 17… I have followed Rick’s pivot system for years and for short term trading his TA it is quite good…. That said, I think you must have mis-interpreted that gold seek article…. His numbers are very specific… $1171.00 is a midpoint pivot… if gold trades over it… which it did 1173. then the next target price is $1195.20 comes into play…. If gold failed to reach this mid point… then it would tank to the next level $1137.5… His trends are based upon whether these pivot points are reached or not… Surprisingly… as manipulated as gold is… his pivot points are for the most part pretty accurate for short term price targets..
My “hope” b/c that’s all I have… lol… is the next 1195.2 gets taken out.. then.. I believe we will be in a trend change… again… after 3+ years.. time is running out..
Posted by newtogold
@ 14:20 on November 11, 2014
That site is a satire site. Nonetheless, way too many questions to believe this happened the way it was told. Had a Facebook friend who posted this. One of “his friends” said he “knew someone” who saw everything at the school( doubt if he or she saw anything or that anyone was allowed to view anything). So they said. I kindly asked this person if anyone they actually knew actually saw any bodies and if the families of these victims still lived there? There was no response from this query. The question of whether these families with so called slain kids still live there would be a good thing to find out. I still say the whole operation smells of false flag no matter what anyone says.
Posted by Maddog
@ 13:41 on November 11, 2014
Gummie sharks have no teeth and swim alongside proper sharks, feeding off the scraps.
Now if you were a gummie shark hedge fund, rideing on the Scum shorts back and saw that come Nov 30 the Swiss could be a buyer of @ 1200 tonnes….you might well want to be covering some here ????
Also I hear the whole world is short, in that loads of advisory letters have ridden this fall down and are still telling their customers to sell here…..stops @ 1200..looking for < 800…..
Posted by Moggy
@ 13:37 on November 11, 2014
What I make of it is that they lied and when it appeared they didn’t get away with it, they now fess up. A totally immoral bunch.
Posted by ment17
@ 12:16 on November 11, 2014
look for according to rick Ackerman.. gold will hit 1171 .. or close and then a big sell off… his pivot method as outlined on gold seek editorial
Posted by Auandag
@ 11:27 on November 11, 2014
Seems to me that it was gold bugs who were instrumental in lobbying for his release from prison. If my memory serves me, it seems at one time he agreed with Bill Murphy on PM maniplation. Has he become Norcini’s evil twin?LOL.
Posted by Samb
@ 11:08 on November 11, 2014
Nobody is saying that you can systemically manipulate a market into infinity. So, here Armstrong is bringing up a straw man argument. However, could the NY Fed and/or the BIS flood the market at key times, via Bankster agents, so as run stops and produce massive margin calls? Somebody has been doing just that. Hedge funds wouldn’t have that kind of ammo,imho. Banksters still have internal risk/loss departments. Something like the April 2013 raid of some 400 to 500 tons of gold paper shorting, machine gunned into the market during off hours, suggests a different interpretation then that given by Armstrong. Then there is the Sherlock Holmes story of the dog that didn’t bark. Here we have two dogs that didn’t bark, ie., the CME and the CFTC.
Posted by Moggy
@ 11:04 on November 11, 2014
Posted by joe12pack
@ 11:03 on November 11, 2014