Armstrong commented on Poloz work for free comment.
Something can be said for volunteering but in politicians case who have lost all touch with humanity or never had it in the first place and their sense of entitlement this is their answer to the problems they caused?
Has it ever occurred to them that the jobs are just not there and they are the reason. Their answer. Let them eat cake.
Armstrong commented.
What is seriously being overlooked here around the world politically is we are dealing with a revolution of the youth as a consequence of the collapse in Marxism. Pictured above is Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz who has amazingly stated that the rising unemployment among the youth who are living in their parent’s basements, should just consider working for free. That’s right! Adult children stuck in their parents’ basements should take unpaid work to bolster resumes as they wait for the recovery to take hold, which does not appear to be until about 2020.
The Bank of Canada estimates about 200,000 young people want to work or work more in Canada, but this seems to be an under-estimation. Poloz actually said that they may be scarred by prolonged unemployment that prevents them from moving out on their own.
Here in lies the crisis and it is the product of Marxist-Socialism and raising the taxes on the hated “rich” who create the jobs, yet the average person pictures Warren Buffet not the owner of the local store selling bread and milk. Small business creates 70% of the work force – not the big corporations that banks and politicians cater toward these days. They keep raising taxes on small business preventing people from trying to expand or start a business and the tax revenues go only in the pockets of politicians – they do not lower taxes for the middle class. Great slogans that the rich should give back, but the problem is it goes nowhere but to fund the pensions of government workers – nothing to lower the taxes on the lower classes.
More and more people among the youth do not identify themselves as a member of ANY political party. The older generations still read newspapers. The younger generation read the internet. They are LESS LIKELY to vote along party lines and this is the real key to the political revolution brewing in the wind everywhere from Asia (i.e. Hong Kong) to Europe (i.e. Scotland).
And more