OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Farmboy @ 17:35

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 18:10 on September 2, 2014  

I had a bad back starting at 18 years old. Sometimes an “attack” would last 7-10 days. One time I got attacked just driving down rt 110. The last one was the WORST. About 3 supper bowls ago.

The day before I was supposed to go to a super bowl party, tying my shoes and got an attack. The pain took my breath away. Fell cross ways across the bed and could not move one inch to even watch the TV for 3-4 hours.

No time now for the whole story, but after I got better, visited my friend at the used car lot, he told me their was nothing wrong with my back. He saw the Dr on TV. Howard Stern called the TV show and told everybody to listen to that guy. He knows his stuff.

Any way, he tells me “Its all stress related.” “Get the book, “Mind over back pain” by Doctor Sarno.

Its a small book and an easy interesting read. He treats people that had acupuncture, chiropractor work, etc and even people that had surgery, and pain stays away for a while and comes back. He says the placebo effect works, short term, but pain comes back because wrong approach.

I never had an attack again for at least the past three years. Only recently I had a very stressful situation, picked something up, back of toilet tank cover and got NAILED, and I KNEW why, and it went away in a half hour. Bayer aspirin worked.

Dr. Sarno says its big business and they try to shut him up. Every back bone has abnormalities, and they focus on that, show you and treat that. Many case histories in the book……

“Oh I should not have lifted that thing” “I should not have gone golfing” etc etc. Read that book.



Posted by Farmboy @ 18:07 on September 2, 2014  

If this don’t ease up soon I will be typing with my nose. Kinda has me doubled up at the moment. This one is a strange one. Didn’t feel any tearing or pain, just kinda crept up on me. Must be related to some bankster. lol


Do have a friend that grows a little green stuff. Might give him a call in a few. If I could get a few hours of sleep I think I could deal with the pain a little better.


Here is a word to the wise. Went buy the pharmacy earlier. Bought a bottle of advil. Just opened it and found the seal was broken, and only  a few pills in the bottle. Guess one should check the bottles/seals before leaving the store these days. Live and learn.

Farmboy @ 17:35 on September 2, 2014

Posted by ment17 @ 17:58 on September 2, 2014  
    well here in Seattle medical pot.. lol

    get you some of this … cheeba chews CBD

    Cheeba Chews Cannabidiol/THC Mix for Pain Relief (google)

    good for pain .. and sleep .. use as wanka says the ice packs on the swelling ..and so sorry your bones ache and body is hurting… farmboy aches and the world aches with you

    and by all means if under pressure use the women rest room if the mens is full..

    grab the key… same bathroom fixture same sink,, usually a quick pee and the old folks are good to go..

OK…Wanka…Think You Are Nuts, But Will Try the Ice Pack

Posted by Farmboy @ 17:53 on September 2, 2014  

Only thing that has brought any relief has been the hot towels. But will give the ice a try.


Thanks, Farmboy

Floridagold @ 17:32 I Knew It! Was Your’s and Wanka Fault All Along

Posted by Farmboy @ 17:50 on September 2, 2014  

But from what I am seeing, it aint folks ‘hoarding’ money. They aint got nothing to hoard ! And when I go into the store I see folks paying for a gallon of gas or two with change, not bills. If what I am seeing is indicative of the Country, we are headed for some rough times.


Told you about working at the food pantry on Saturdays. A lot of hurtin folks out there. And its just not the ‘poor’ that one would normally associate with this kind of misery. Have loaded groceries in a Jaguar and a few Cadillac Escalades.  We don’t ask questions, if you say you are hungry, and need something to eat we will provide some food. Sure a few folks take advantage, but for the most part, I think most are hurting these days. And the numbers of those asking for help keep growing each week.


Kinda sad, to see the current state of affairs in this once great land of Opportunity. And this probably goes how most folks see it or think, but I figure only about 20% are the welfare crowd. The rest are good hard working folks that don’t have a job and cant find one. They seem to be going under the Obama and Media radar. Nobody wants to talk about them.



Any of You Old Geezers Got A Secret To Back Pain, Im All Ears

Posted by Farmboy @ 17:35 on September 2, 2014  

Been in a world of hurt since the wee hours of Monday morning. Overdid it on Sunday. Have tried the usual: hydro something or other pain killers, Advil, some prescript muscle relaxor, and chased em with a beer or two and a pint of whiskey. Feeling pretty looped up, but has had little relief on the pain.  Best thing I found so far is to heat up a couple towels in the Microwave and throw em on the concrete floor and lay on top of em. Seems to work best, but only about 20 minutes and the spasms come back it seems with a vengeance. Any of you folks have another idea I would sure like to hear them.

The boys can handle the business until Sunday, but then a big job coming up. Have not been able to sleep much the past few days so feeling pretty wore out. Thinking of even driving self up to the ER . Lord, a shot of morphine would go a long way about now. But with my cardio history if I show up for a hang nail they automatically keep me for 3 days. Could use the rest, and flirt with the nurses, but I cant afford to be down right now. Anybody got a trick or two I can try?


Thanks, Ole Fool Farmboy, who just had to do more than I should have.  this weekend gonna let the young bucks run the show. Got enough pain killers in me that my fingers going numb, but the back pain aint letting loose. Enough to bring a tear to the cheek every now and then. guess I wasn’t made for getting old ? (grin)

Farmboy @ 16:42

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 17:31 on September 2, 2014  

I’m with you on that. 🙂

king world news

Posted by ment17 @ 17:19 on September 2, 2014  

Sperandeo added: “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the most powerful and influential group in the world. Their members include virtually all the politicians and editors of major newspapers in the world. They are now pushing the Fed to give away money. How they determine who gets what is another question. But, hypothetically, people might get something like $80,000 in their account

goldielocks @ 16:55 Well….I Didnt Think Of That…

Posted by Farmboy @ 17:03 on September 2, 2014  

but on the other hand, I would not have a problem pushing some dudess away from the sink. Just wouldn’t feel right doing that to a woman.


As a member of the lower speicies, male, and having been the father to two daughters, I am well acquainted with waiting my turn in the bathroom. Don’t know what takes you gals so darn long. But also told once I don’t wanna know. lol


But yeah, some guy wants to put his make up on, and I am in a hurry to catch the next inning. ….guess we will find out if his makeup is waterproof. (grin) Lord, I aint right !  (lol)


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:55 on September 2, 2014  

That is IF it’s a woman putting on her makeup. My worry the wrong person gets in there who’s not gay. A college I went to years ago to grab some classes there was a guy who went in there attacked a girl but luckily she escaped.

Silverngold you mean your ratio gold to silver adding up to 66.6-

Central Banks

Posted by commish @ 16:54 on September 2, 2014  

Since banking has become betting the Central Banks with unlimited funds can bet on a loss then make it happen. Talk about the house always wins.



Mr.Copper @ 16:13 Cant Find Anything About This Tyler Fella?

Posted by Farmboy @ 16:42 on September 2, 2014  

Now wouldn’t surprise me if he ran for President. And people elect him. 🙂

And wouldn’t it be something if it turned out he really Hated America and is a devout Muslim to boot?


Course, that could never happen in the real world.

Richey China Slowing With A Loaf Under Each Arm, Like The USA in 1975

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 16:13 on September 2, 2014  

And who the hell is this Tyler Durden? And what does he know that we don’t know? I found this…..

“Tyler Durden is a reference to the lead character in Fight Club. It’s the pseudonym for Zero Hedge’s key author(s) used to hide their identities.”

How can we research the guys education? What he says just sounds like entertainment to me. When we started slowing in ’75 all the commodity need and usage rotated over to Japan Korea and China et al after ’75.

When they all started slowing, after 2008, (like us in ’75)the production and commodity need and usage will probably rotate back to the USA. Besides that, in general, …Low prices rotate to up, and high prices rotate to down.

Floridagold @ 13:58 Well, Wonder No More…Just Googled, What Would Al Gore Say…

Posted by Farmboy @ 16:13 on September 2, 2014  

got your answer right here.



goldielocks @ 15:35 Men Using The Women’s Bathroom?

Posted by Farmboy @ 16:07 on September 2, 2014  

Sounds sorta disgusting at first blush, but after thinking about it, probably beats having to use a tree. Went to an Atlanta Braves game a few weeks back an there was a line to get into the Men’s bathroom. Now at my age I am finding out that when the message comes across ” I Gotta Go”, it is more of a warning notice than a suggestion. Being able to visit the Ladies Bathroom might not be such bad idea in times of ‘distress’. What I probably would not go for is the Women using the Men’s Bathroom. I cant imagine having to stand behind some woman waiting to wash my hands while she puts on her make up and stares into the mirror.



Richard640 @ 15:35 Well, At Least We Are Exporting Something To China…

Posted by Farmboy @ 16:01 on September 2, 2014  

sounds to me like the Chinese are as creative with their accounting numbers as our Government. I wonder, cause I don’t know, if you took the Government Spending out of our GDP numbers if we would show any positive GDP numbers for the past several years ?


And if our banks had to mark assets to market, instead of fantasy, would any of the big banks be solvent?


I guess that is what bugs me about all this charting stuff. Like some ole geezer named Ment once asked, ” Whose numbers?” Well, I think he said something like that once. It is all an illusion if you ask me. Except, I can still count with fingers and toes how many ounces. Don’t have a clue what those ounces are valued at, but it sure aint what the paper pushers are saying.


And thinking, maybe Silverngold has done a better job of reading his Bible lately, cause it sure looks like he has an inside shot with The Boss. His numbers for the lows are nearly there today.


Now that is a something to ponder. Make fun of the Bible, but believe in the Government numbers ? Think I will go with the ole book. Best I can tell, aint no lies in it.

Wanka 10:40

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:35 on September 2, 2014  

If people thought that way about their senators and some of the governors, don’t care who it is just not them,” we could maybe start ending the other problem, they who count the votes. I feel the same way. Here we have people who don’t like Bown’s track record. Companies leaving, over crowded prisons many with illegals, higher taxes he calls temporary while giving himself and friends raises, letting gay men ” if they are ” use women’s bathrooms, condoning illegals and inviting them here by giving the drivers licenses and claiming to expedite birder crossings. ” California is so underpopulated you know it only takes two hours to go few miles in LA we need more people even if there is no jobs for them.” Not Then say the alternative they don’t like even those they would try to undo the damage for what ever reason. Were doomed.

Mr Copper–nor does this help gold

Posted by Richard640 @ 15:35 on September 2, 2014  

Chinese Commodity Crash Continues, But Pigs Are Flying

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/02/2014 13:41 -0400

When it comes to keeping track of China’s economy, one can listen, and ignore, the official goalseeked and made-up-on-the-fly data released by the government, or one can simply observe the price dynamics of the all-important Chinese commodities sector (because with fixed investment accounting for well over 50% of GDP, the marginal price of the commodities that are used in capital investment tell us all we need to know about the true state of the Chinese economy). It is here where we find that contrary to the recent performance of the Shanghai Composite, which has been trading exclusively on the coattails of the most recent unofficial QE by the PBOC, commodity prices in China are actually crashing across the board, which in turn suggest that the real GDP is most likely anywhere between 20% and 60%, if not more, below the “official” 7.5% GDP print.

Here are the charts, alongside some commentary from Bank of America:

Last week, Qinhuangdao (QHD) 5,500k thermal coal price was at RMB480/t, unchanged from the week prior. QHD coal inventory decreased to 5.6mt, down 0.5% wow.


Crude down 2.93 isn’t helping The Global Gov’t Fight Deflation

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:20 on September 2, 2014  

Crude down 2.93 isn’t helping gold….

Posted by Richard640 @ 14:17 on September 2, 2014  

puptent @ 11:56 Now I Figure, 2 Out of 3 Aint So Bad,…And In My Deepest

Posted by Farmboy @ 13:44 on September 2, 2014  

bear like growl I say, What’s Love Got To Do With It.


Here, I will let ‘Legs Turner ‘  sing it to you. 🙂


No bouncey-bounce for G&S today–the HUI and JNUG are flat on their rear ends…KERPLUNK-!!

Posted by Richard640 @ 12:59 on September 2, 2014  


okay samb

Posted by eeos @ 12:35 on September 2, 2014  

but I get really tired of righteous fanatics that think they know the only way into the big house in the sky. A special place for friends and club members only. plueeease


Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:27 on September 2, 2014  

I’m NOW DOCUMENTED. Like Thomas Jefferson. I said it first. 🙂


Posted by Samb @ 12:26 on September 2, 2014  

Silverngold is spoofing with you. That’s why he mentioned the Bible as justification for his price targets. For Pete’s sake… lighten up a bit.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.