A Run to Silver and Gold unlike Anything in History of Mankind-David Morgan
By Greg Hunter On September 22, 2014 In Market Analysis 65 Comments
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Silver guru, David Morgan, says forget about the manipulated price suppression of the yellow and white metals. It’s only a matter of time before the debt and derivative markets crash, catapulting precious metals prices exponentially higher. Morgan explains, “The bigger problem all exists in the debt markets, and the debt markets is where the problem is really. When that problem blows up, there’s going to be a run to gold unlike anything in the history of mankind. . . . The spillover into silver will be phenomenal, as well, because once it (debt markets) starts down, everyone that understands what’s going on, which will be very few, will be running to gold. They will try to get gold in any form that they can, and again, a huge spillover into the silver market. All of a sudden, even at the retail level, and at the wholesale level or commercial level, or the futures market or bar level—it’s over. A big ETF type or silver holding company will call up and say I want to buy $50 million of silver, or $150 million or $200 million, which is peanuts compared to the bond market. . . . The answer is going to be ‘we don’t have it.’ When that happens, it’s over.”