“ment17 @ 15:42 on September 19, 2014
I fully expect this stupidity will go on for a while, but the fact remains that it is stupid, and I don’t know when the crack-up will come but I am very sure it will.
The usual refrain will be that “Twitter is a bargain” compared to Alibaba, or similarly eBAY and on and on and on.
Oh please. “
Ole Gump had it right, “Stupid Is As Stupid Does.”
Does this ring a bell ?
“It wasn’t only the financial bigwigs who spoke up. Even the outriders of the New Era felt that if everybody pretended to be happy, their phoney smiles would blow the trouble away. Jimmy Walker, for example, asked the movie houses to show only cheerful pictures. True Story Magazine, currently suffering from delusions of grandeur, ran full page advertisements in many papers urging all wage earners to buy luxuries on credit. That would fix things right up. McGraw-Hill Company, another publishing house with boom-time megalomania, told the public to avert its eyes from the obscene spectacle in Wall Street. What they did not observe would not affect their state of mind and good times could continue as before. ”
– The Wall Street Crash, 1929