OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Deceit & Treachery in Democrat Party Who’s worse Clintons in it for the MONEY or these Political Traitors

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:09 on March 17, 2015  


Klein: Valerie Jarrett leaked info on Hillary’s private email use

Fox Business Videos
‘Blood Feud’ author Ed Klein discusses Valerie Jarrett and the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
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  • ralf r 58 minutes ago


    I have a hard time believing this since her highness has been anointed to be the next president. really? obama hates the clintons so much he would deliberately sabotage his own uber left wing party from winning in 2016? unless they are so delusional to think that somebody to the left of hillary could win? this guy even says they would prefer so see a republican as president rather than see hillary? come on people, this guy is just out to sell books. I remember in 2008 some guy wrote a book about how bill clinton had all these women in every city and how this was going to come out and derail hillary cause it would be so humiliating and nothing ever came of it. conspiracy theories are usually all BS. and before people attack me, I utterly detest obama, and no not because of what chris mathews says that I must therefore be a racist, but because he’s just been the worst president in so many ways, I am a total and complete converted ex ex ex democrat since 2003 and would never, ever vote for another one ever again.

  • Steven 1 hour ago


    Jarrett has been and will continue to be Obamas lap dog just like Holder,Rice and Sharpton. This has been the most corrupt administration in the last 50 years and time will bear it out. I am shocked that more patriots in this administration have not come forward especially in the IRS and State Dept. How these spokes persons get get up and lie and decieve the American people is beyond me.

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  • Jonsternation 1 hour ago


    New Olympic event, Machiavellian Toss where the Narcissist-in-Chief destroys his own party out of loathing of a very deserving femnot. The real nitty-gritty will be if the DOJ pursues charges against Killary. obola could kill 3, 4, maybe 5 birds with one stone or indictment if you prefer. I knew almost from the beginning it was the WH behind these allegations. Ask yourself why?, why now? The Clintons have always been masters at sleazeball politics and now they have Bathhouse Saddam Hussein Obama returning some well deserved karma at them by maybe the most vicious of them all, Valerie who by the way is so mean she made Moochelle sit up and beg.

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  • Billy Boy 1 hour ago


    Wow, paybacks in a gentleman’s game! They are playing like bloods and cryps now! Shoot the frontrunner down, down to the ground! If this is true then I have not given Obummer any credit. He is worthless but this is slightly redeeming. He really is on his own, entirely. Talk about a guy who acts on emotion. Not good for a President but great if you can’t stand Hillary like I do. He is doing the country a great favor. Hillary would be the nail in the coffin for this country. We are getting buried now but might be able to escape death if she is not running the country.

    Of course there are many conservatives that would be better than Hillary and Obama is barely honest enough to admit it. Now what if this is news to Obama too? What if he finds out on FOX News because he was out playing golf? What if he just found out like the rest of us? Does he knock off Valerie and the Clinton’s knock off this writer? Who knocks off who? Chicago style politics meet Arkansas!

    By by Clinton’s, bye bye Dems in the White House. It was going to happen anyways but this makes it much easier. Now to push some more Dems out of the Senate and Congress, then we could really get some positive work done to get this country firmly back on top of the ROW!

    Maybe Obummer is setting up a run for Eric Holder. Now that would be disgusting criminal politics at its finest wouldn’t it!?!

  • American 1 hour ago


    They had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. Animal Farm Chapter 7.

  • Dan 33 minutes ago


    Valerie Jarrett, the real President, is running Obama’s sabotage campaign, his lies and cover ups regarding all his scandals. She is the most powerful woman in America. If you watch Obama speak? You can actually see her hand up his backside pushing the mouth buttons.

  • charlemagne 2 hours ago


    Mark R Levin said that on his radio show, he was the first to say it was an inside job. As usual, he was right.

  • Jerome 39 minutes ago


    Although I’m chuckling a bit over this cat fight in the democratic party, I have to point to the similarity between the the Clinton/Obama unholy Wars and the Shia/Sunni holy wars. In both battles I have to keep in mind that “the enemy of my enemy” in both of these cases are in fact still my enemy.

  • Margie 27 minutes ago


    No snitch has ever been rewarded. She will have her twenty minutes in the spotlight, but it looks like Valerie’s career is over.



THe Heathen 1 hour ago


The big problem started because the Clintons refused to convert to Islam and join Jarrett and Obama.



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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.