I just randomly dropped in to the Tent to see what was happening
I haven’t been around much as you all know
many here think I am a judas or cretin or something
I see some posts eluding to the Rambus Site as not paying its way
for the server and being dismayed that YOU paid for the Rambus Site to become a pay site
Here is some clarification on that front
On the sidebar at Goldtent you will see there have been tentathons to pay for the server fees
The last tentathon was over 1 year ago
Someone had to give their credit card to the Host (Lunarpages) to pay for the server
That someone has always been me
The tentathon was successful every year
we raised enough money to reimburse me (minus my $100) donation as well
The Rambus site was set up 2 years ago
we used the same server as goldtent for expedience
The first year the hits were rather small and negligable
But the server costs increased as we migrated to a larger server
the tentathon was still great and covered 2 thirds of the server fee
I covered the rest personally and was reimbursed by Rambus Chartology
The Server now costs $3600 a year
As you will notice there has been NO tentathon this year BUT
I have paid Lunarpages $3600
This has kept the tent and Rambus Chartology humming along for the last 12 months
NOBODY has paid anything for the last 12 plus months
Except for me…Fullgoldtraitor
When the topic of the tentathon came up recently I spoke with wanka
we agreed that Rambus Chartology should pay a portion of the Server fees
and Goldtentathon a portion
we agreed that Rambus used 2 thirds and goldtent used 1 third
so Rambus would pay $2400 and Goldtent $1200
I realized that after 3 years of a devastating bear market the Goldtenters were
hurting and probably not in the best of moods to pay via a tentathon
so I decided to just pay the whole $3600 out of pocket and that is what I did
The payments are monthly for some of the services and yearly for others
the big hit was last month
Rambus and Audept are reimbursing me for their portion
So all in all Rambus Chartology has paid in full for the last year of service to keep
the 2 sites working
NOBODY knows how hard Audept has worked over the many years Goldtent has been in existence
to keep it running smoothly
If we had to pay him for his services even at $10 an hour we would own him a ton
BUT alas..He did this work as a labour of love and has never asked for a red cent
Unfortunately …and I am being as frank and candid as possible here
Audept and wanka had a falling out…which I tried to mediate but failed
I have no clue what precipitated this falling out
but the result was that Audept can no longer dedicate his time to the maintenance of goldtent
I suppose that is what has precipitated this migration to a new site
This is the first I have heard of this
THESE are the cold hard facts
Sorry I haven’t been around to monitor the situation
NOBODY contacted me personally to warn me of this situation
Since I am being candid here
I will say..my absence has been because we have a forum at Rambus Chartology
which I am moderating and it has consumed all of my computer time
Also This site has for long periods of time degenerated into such negativity
that I couldn’t bear to participate anymore
YES…Ramus Chartology is a pay site…BUT NOBODY here was tricked into supporting it
ALL the $100 donations over the years went into supporting Goldtent …period
By being involved with Rambus Chartology I have learned that the PM Markets are NOT NOT NOT
all about Manipulation all day every day
I bought that theory hook line and sinker for years
I was a big cheerleader fort that cause here…even shouted down the few who dared to question it
But my eyes have been opened to so much more and I and my portfolio have benifited greatly from this
new perspective .
I Love you guys..and am devastated that the tent is in disarray and facing the end
I used to love to update the Locator every time we had a new member show up
I painstakingly added thousands of links to the sidebar during those great boom years
We lost so many good posters..I believe because of the negativity and doom which has prevailed here
during this devastating period..and there were so few new ones that I suppose you could say
we have been dying a slow death anyway
Anyhow I would like to hear from Floridagold Ipso facto and Wanka as to what is going on
Bottom line..whoever spread the rumor that Fully and Audept were shysters who stole your money
should be ashamed
I wish all my good friends here the best of good fortune in the coming years