OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

@ Buygold RE: your 11:57 post – “folks that run the world”

Posted by drb2 @ 13:37 on July 6, 2023  

BG – that was an excellent summary for newbies – short and to the point.

Thanks for posting.  Exposure is the solution to the problem.

Mr. Copper,

Posted by Buygold @ 11:57 on July 6, 2023

Mr. Copper – the folks that run the world are the same Satanic money powers that have controlled finance in the west (and probably the East too) since the 1600’s. The Rothschilds. They started the fiat bullshit when they received people’s gold for storage, and when their clients only needed a little, they would write a form of IOU that would confirm the gold in storage and would be spendable on the street. Problem is, they wrote 10 times the amount of IOU’s against the gold, which they now call “fractional reserve banking” – loaning 10x or more than they had of the underlying asset. They controlled the money for all the great kings of Europe, and would loan them money for wars mostly. A Gov’t in debt, has no control of its currency. Nathan Rothschild once said something like “if I control a countries money, I care not who makes it’s laws” (Paraphrase)

These people do not come out of the shadows, they send guys like Soros, Schwab, Gates, Obama, Macron and a host of others to do their bidding. They own Congress and rig elections to put the most corrupt psychopaths in office they can find. Men and women with no moral compass. These people truly have no souls. It is said they own one third of the worlds wealth. It’s also said that the Catholic church owns a third as well, which begs the question, why are there so many people starving in the world?

Their cesspools of power are DC, The City of London and the Vatican. All of them are basically their own countries, not subject to the laws of the country in which they reside.

In essence, you are right about financial institutions and corporations, but these same money powers own them and their stock as well – this is who really runs the world. God help the UN if they are stupid enough to send blue helmets into the US.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.