OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 4:55 on July 4, 2023  

We are being exposed to too many dark spirits “ in people” thats fixated on sickness and death.

From individuals, to neocons to mad science who profit off a culture of sickness and death, collectively draining the positive energy and life out of others.

Thats all they talk about, that’s the difference.

Medical people not only have to deal with the collective death culture trying to balance their own health but the effects on others affected or obsessed by it.

I may not be making sense but if your exposed too much of people aforementioned how can you go outside and appreciate life around you.

We know people were getting sick with Covid and getting sick with the quick fix jab “ their means to a end but not peoples idea of a end but believed means to live.

During that time how many people got other kinds of sickness physically and mentally. Many did of all ages. They started exhibiting all sorts of health aches and pains and low energy problems even when locked down and not working,

So they try to then make  up for the lock down and that constant dark spirit and energy  bombarding their life , food,  water and all sensory around us we take in. Don’t go outside you’ll get sick and die, you can’t do this, you can’t do that. A culture of sickness making us sick.

They try to exercise too. So many steps a day, so many push ups, this and that.

Thats fine but what about their own spirit, their mind. When their taking those steps is their sensory’s working to calm and replenish their spirit? From music to the music of life around them, the birds singing, the wind blowing against the trees, the smell  of flowers, children playing, the waves of the ocean?

We not only have to feed and replenish our body’s but out spirit. It goes together.

The attack on the spirit is causing a lot of the health problems. We are not robots these dark people would want us to be.

So instead of just taking so many steps try doing it differently. Instead of walking to the corner try hoping. I’m

sounding silly the that’s the idea.

Stay away from dark energy projected on you

or limit your exposure as we do have to be aware of them.

Or they could stay in the house continue to listen to the dark side and negative energy and wait for the next plan-aster  while they drain the life out of them.

This is mind and body not just body.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.