OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

If Reagan was the great Communicator

Posted by Ororeef @ 2:12 on June 14, 2019  

Trump will be the Great Excommunicate r, hes going to take out the Trash ,deport some ,throw some out of Government ,even the POPE has the right to excommunicate from his Flock ,when needed .Why not Trump ?

MAGA   ,rebuild ,take out the trash ! Then remove the Parasites ,the moochers,the permanent Politicians bloodsucking the Nations life blood …You cant rebuild until you gut the place first and see whats worth keeping and whats not …then you rebuild…Start with the FBI,then CIA and keep going until Government employees get the message …Democrats, Republicans and other assorted hangers on to the Government teat..

Make them so uncomfortable, a job in the private Sector  will look inviting .cut their Pensions first; the moneys not their anyway ,why pretend it is..Take away Government HealthCare paid for by TAXPAYERS ,make them use ObamaCare ,or private CARE like the rest of us….THere are plenty of JOBS in the Private Sector and if you think you are so valuable to the Government ,you should have NO problem finding a good job in private Sector.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.