OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

ipso facto @ 10:05 on February 4, 2016 Shkreli

Posted by Ororeef @ 12:52 on February 4, 2016  

He has every right to be a Greedy selfish Pig  ….It is a private property issue .  He didnt buy what he has to be Altruistic with it….No more than you buy a Stock to profit from it.  Everyone can choose to give thier money to the poor or use it to make more money.

What he could have done was ask the Government to Subsidize those that need the drug just like they do the Major Drug Companies research and development.

The government subsidies everything else as long as you pretend to be doing it for some altruistic reason while you make millions  …

He ‘s just not so sophisticated in how he Markets himself ..He needs a Marketing consultant that will make his Greed acceptable to Liberals.

He needs to say I do it for the children or I do it for higher cause or “Greater Good”  that will make it ok…

Then for those imbecilic that he called the members of Congress ,well he was exactly right about them.because he knew they had No legal right to subpoena him for that reason except to appear like they were doing good for the public..just a farce by the Hearing….Pleading the fifth was right ….It was a Private Property issue ..Greedy or NOT !

The Constitution does not prohibit Private Property .In FACT it was Thomas Jefferson original wrote the words Life Liberty and Private Property in the Declaration ,but was convinced by Franklin to replace “private Property with “the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration”…so it appears Jefferson was also like inclined….

He wont be very popular but thats his right !

George SOROS is also a Greedy PIG ….taking a billion from the Bank of England that could have subsidized the Poor in England..and reduced the Tax Burden on hard working Brits..  wheres the outrage from Liberals there ?

The Corbett Report/New World Next Week

Posted by silverngold @ 12:46 on February 4, 2016  

Lots of “front page” discussion from Zika Virus, to negative interest rates, to cashless society, to designer babies. Well worth the time to get up to speed on world events.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:02 on February 4, 2016  

Depending on how far up the hill Maya traveled or stayed lower he might be a little off the grid for Satlelite towers where water is in rain water catchments. Something here theyd frown on while they feed you poisoned contaminated water instead or having CEOs profiting off taking our clean water and selling it back to you. Hopefully he has electricity. Probably wouldn’t be too difficult to set up solar there and wind.

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:14 on February 4, 2016  


Bill Holter

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:09 on February 4, 2016  

Dear CIGAs,

The action in nearly all markets worldwide changed on a dime since January 1st. I am not sure “what or why” the change coincided so closely with the calendar year but the rate hike by the Fed is the leading candidate. As for the real global economy, there is certainly evidence the weakness of late last year has deepened significantly. The pace of collapse has shifted gears as evidenced by trade, earnings and even central banks. Japan’s new policy of negative interest rates followed by new Fed trial balloons of same speak volumes about “stress”.

Another area of stress is change in the action on COMEX. I have documented over the past year several delivery months where there were more contracts standing than registered gold available for delivery. The current Feb. contract has gone past first notice day with 13.3 tons of gold standing for 4.5 tons of registered gold. A very good synopsis of this was done yesterday by Craig Hemke at TF Metals Connecting The Comex Dots I encourage you to read this as Craig documents the recent shell game with inventory.

It is important to understand there are huge changes going on at COMEX. First I need to correct something I wrote last week. I said “it doesn’t make sense for the shorts to not deliver on the first or second day of the delivery period and wait until the end of the month”. This is absolutely correct, but I wrote this in late Jan. … so the deliveries we saw were some FIFTY PLUS days after the delivery period began on Dec. 1st! Are they really allowed to wait 55 days to make a delivery? Just to make it clear, it make no sense whatsoever to not make a delivery on day one or two because the storage costs must be paid. I absolutely stand by the most obvious reason not to deliver is because the gold was not available. “Waiting” to deliver earns NOTHING and costs money, Wall Street does not work this way!

We are also seeing another VERY BIG change in this delivery month. While we saw very few “serves” early in delivery months in the last couple of years, this has changed. We saw 58 on Monday, 546 Tues., and 158 on Wednesday. It is my opinion we are now seeing serious rebellion in the queue! It has been contended which I firmly agree with, “cash settlement” with premium has been prevalent on the COMEX for quite some time. I now believe there are some standing and DEMANDING delivery and refusing cash. This I believe is evidenced by gold in backwardation all the way out to October. I won’t spend the time to explain again why here, but backwardation CANNOT exist in gold in a correctly functioning market and one where the rule of law actually exists.

No matter how big of an apologist you are, it cannot be argued that a situation where more gold standing for delivery than is claimed to exist is a “good” thing. This is a VERY dangerous situation of potential default and one where by hook or by crook has been avoided to this point. Is it this delivery month where delivery fails? I do not know. I do know we live in a world where China is importing every single gold ounce produced on the planet leaving nothing else leftover for the rest of the world. This situation can only last or continue as long as vaults have gold and the owners are willing to fill the deficit between supply and demand. I will say this, the global financial system will completely seize up and close for trading once gold delivery fails. This will only take 48 hours after a failure, and the ability to procure metal, sell stocks and bonds, or do anything else financial will not be an option.

Liquidity is drying up and no Ponzi scheme can survive without “new juice”! A very basic and core problem with no solution other than resetting, rebooting and revamping the system itself! We are living a global margin call that cannot be met. The system is clearly broken and you do not need to be a rocket scientist or even have higher than an 8th grade education to understand this. No matter what you look at, it is clear something is very very wrong. I have written I believed a force majeure will occur within the gold and silver complexes. I have written of “truth bombs” being dropped by Mr. Putin The Ultimate “Truth Bomb” – The East Knows The West Is Bankrupt and the Chinese holding a silver “Kill Switch” in China http://www.silverseek.com/article/kill-switch-13503?quicktabs_most_popular_tabs=0 . A financial failure larger than any and all past crashes will end in social unrest all over the world. When credit ceases and breaks down, it will be felt first and foremost in “distribution”. The distribution of everyday and necessary goods will be interrupted. Empty stomachs will fan the flames of angry mobs. Those who have lost the fruit from their life’s work will be more interested in their next meal versus wealth. I stand by everything I have written on these topics. The greatest credit unwind of all time is unfolding right now before your very eyes!

I am sure this article will fan the flames in “troll town”! Please attack the logic, do not say “it will never happen because it has not”. Do not point at the prices of gold and silver and say “see, you are wrong”. The manipulation of markets, all markets is so obvious even an idiot can see it with very dark sunglasses on! I expect we will see “gap” openings in nearly everything very shortly … Please do something, anything, to protect yourself and loved ones!

Standing watch,

Bill Holter
Holter-Sinclair collaboration
Comments welcome, bholter@hotmail.com


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:07 on February 4, 2016  

Awesome move on Hui this morning. Lol I’m enjoying watching it blow through resistance although this gap up will probably result with a attempt to fill the gap tomorrow. If it fails to fill it there is a “possibility” it has room to move a little higher with reservations.

@ Silverngold – RE: your 16:34 post video

Posted by drb2 @ 11:01 on February 4, 2016  

Thanks for posting that video. 

People use it every day, yet probably only 1 out of 1000 people have any idea how money is created.
I would like to see this video shown to every 5th grader. It is of the best 2 minute demonstrations that i have seen of how money is created and why it is a problem.
While the solution proposed in the video is better than what we have now, IMO it is not the best solution.

Why are the very rich getting richer?


richard last week our server

Posted by WANKA @ 11:01 on February 4, 2016  

company hostmantis did a security update that took a few hours. they never gave a heads up and I got a forbidden notice I looked at and said to myself….self wt’f”???
Weston inquired and told me it was a security update. maybe it was needed to clean out some ‘drain pipes’ [very technickle term i’ll have you know] 🙂
nevertheless its great your back and puter functioning properly.

now we need maya to check in with us.

Wanka–thanks, pal..yes, like it [not being able to connect to the Tent site] came…it mysteriously went…I am home at last!

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:43 on February 4, 2016  

Real Goods Are The Real Money

Posted by Moggy @ 10:35 on February 4, 2016  

This article was written by Tom Chatham and originally published at Project Chesapeake

We have seen the massive drop in the Baltic Dry Index over the past few months indicating shipping of bulk materials around the world is slowing down to unprecedented levels. We have seen the shutdown and mothballing of hundreds of locomotive engines in the U.S. just over the past few months indicating goods and raw materials are not being shipped in the normal volume as in years past.

We are seeing hundreds of stores run by major retailers being shut down around the country indicating people are not buying goods at the same rate as in years past. Most of our manufacturing ability has been shipped overseas to lower input costs. It has been reported that as many as 15% of the farmers in the U.S. will go out of business this year.

This all means two things. People no longer have the means to buy at will and the amount of goods available will continue to fall until there are severe shortages in the system. The lack of production and distribution will insure that the standard of living of most Americans will drop in the coming months as supply is outstripped by demand in a collapsing economy. As indicated above, the collapse is not coming soon, it is here now.

When goods become scarce, it does not matter what the cost is if you have no money to get them. The lack of basic goods in the economy will be the straw that breaks the American illusion that everything is just fine. It will happen just as sure as the sun rising every morning. It will be a slow process where you notice more and more empty shelves and certain brands become out of stock for longer and longer periods. No production and no shipping carriers means no product on the shelf in time.

When this happens it will not matter to people if we are in deflation or hyperinflation, they will suffer the same in either case due to lack of goods and lack of a medium of exchange with which to maintain their living standards.

If society has the goods it needs at the local level it does not matter what mechanism people use to trade for those items. The trade will happen and living standards will be maintained. Money can be printed at will but real goods must be made from scratch with labor and raw materials. Real goods determine your standard of living and not necessarily the amount of money that exists in society.

Because of this the ability to store and produce real goods at the local level are the only solution to a collapse in the medium of exchange in a country. It is happening now. Fiat money is becoming more worthless by the day and goods are not being produced and shipped as normal. This can only end one way if nothing is done to curtail the lack of goods that people need.

It does not matter if money is little pieces of paper or plastic cards, if the goods are not available the result is the same. The ability of government entities to control either money or goods is a way to control society and force compliance from the people. This is the reason for calls for a cashless society. The government can control money all they want but if they have no control over real goods in a community they really have no control over society.

Real goods trump money of any kind when it comes to everyday living. If you have a years worth of goods stored in your home or the ability to produce them locally, it does not matter if you have a million dollars or no money at all. It does not matter if the store shelves are full or empty. It does not matter if goods are being produced and transported. If you have access to those goods you have what you actually need and not paper promises to get them at some future date for an unspecified amount.

When people think about economic collapse they almost always think about how they will get the money they need to buy stuff. They do not realize that real goods are the actual key to getting by in those dysfunctional times until it is too late. Economic collapse almost always goes hand in hand with the lack of physical goods. You can do without the money but you cannot do without the goods.

In times of monetary dysfunction, real goods become the actual currency society relies on to survive day to day. Real goods can be traded and sold when fiat money is useless. Real goods are the real currency of the world and now is the time to realize that before the monetary crisis prevents the acquisition of those resources. A pantry full of food is worth more than two million in a frozen bank account.

drb just just just

Posted by WANKA @ 10:30 on February 4, 2016  

hoping this is

@ R640 – RE: 4 yrs of a vicious gold bear mkt has taken its toll on the psychology of the bulls

Posted by drb2 @ 10:20 on February 4, 2016  

Hi Richard – welcome back.

“taken it’s toll” ?

you can say that again !!  talk about a “Wall of Worry”  .. … and it’s not like the previous 20 years were easy either.    what a sector.


I have lost many positions along the way that I fear I will never replace.

Oh, well.  If this is truly IT, I am going to TRY to be thankful of the few I have remaining.


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:16 on February 4, 2016  

Probably be many erstwhile goldbugz left at the station. Disbelieving comes easy when you have been shat upon so many times.

now if we can solve maya’s

Posted by WANKA @ 10:13 on February 4, 2016  

which I think was solved last couple of weeks but we haven’t heard from maya and no that’s no trains too. toon2cwj

but but but will we need change your handle to

Posted by WANKA @ 10:09 on February 4, 2016  

poor-richard640? :mrgreen: best of cheers my friend. wj
ps: I see your login problem appears to be solved.

4 yrs of a vicious gold bear mkt has taken its toll on the psychology of the bulls

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:06 on February 4, 2016  

The big surprise could be that gold just keeps going up–with token pullbacks…gold seems to be surging…

That said…silver is lackluster and could be a “diagnostic clue” that it is time to take a stab at buying DUST…NUGT was up 20% yesterday and is up 16% as I write…RSI’s on the shorter term charts are surely now at or above 70…

I am em-bare-assed to admit that I was left at the station bereft of gold…although in and out of NUGT twice just before the launch…the could be disbelief in the bull case all the way up to $1500…that’s how all mets operate…

I hope Shkreli gets 20 years! Greedy pig

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:05 on February 4, 2016  


Posted by treefrog @ 10:03 on February 4, 2016  

i don’t think it’s napalm.  i think it’s the scent of burning shorts.

US scientists figure cost-effective way to extract rare earths from coal

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:02 on February 4, 2016  

The breakthrough that could save an ailing coal industry?

A group of researchers from Penn State, led by the US Department of Energy (DOE) has discovered that rare earth elements can be extracted from two coal by-products through an ion-exchange process.

The new mineral processing technique has the potential to challenge the current Chinese dominance on global rare earth production, as it makes the extraction not only cost-effective, but also environmentally friendly.

“We have known for many decades that rare-earth elements are found in coal seams and near other mineral veins,” said Sarma Pisupati, professor of energy and mineral engineering at Penn State. “However, it was costly to extract the materials and there was relatively low demand until recently,” he said in a statement.

The team said they wanted to take a fresh look at the feasibility of extracting REEs, from coal given the fossil fuel abundance in the country.

more http://www.mining.com/us-scientists-figure-cost-effective-way-to-extract-rare-earths-from-coal/

Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:31 on February 4, 2016  

Canada’s Centerra given go-ahead to mine Mongolian gold deposit


Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd.: Early Warning Report


Americas Silver Corporation Announces 2015 Production and Costs, 2016 Guidance and U.S. $2.9 Million Credit Facility


The US will be forced to retaliation

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:28 on February 4, 2016  

against any major trading partner that devalues officially or by any other means .Negative interest rates is a devaluation  ! Its a tax on Capital.!

Its a RACE to the Bottom for Japan,China and any body else that beggars they neighbor  !  The world needs to find another China that is so un developed that it can absorb capital investment safely and reward investors…The mid East would qualify if they werent so F___ing crazy religiously ..its like trying to invest in a mental institution  where the inmates are in charge. Russia may be the best place to invest ! If it werent for the US Politics.

Iran is like investing with the Devils Advocate where the mentality is not business but religious and so freaky even though its needs investment development ..first you have to change their religion and thats not going to happen peacefully ./


Posted by Ororeef @ 9:02 on February 4, 2016  

It would be the Bank of JAPAN that would start a GOLD RUSH !   The cognoscenti thought it would be China !

Japan decided to manipulate the SAVERS into spending money so the Politicians could get their hands on it ,but instead they bought Gold .

They tried to PUNISH savers and had the Banks charge them a fee for holding their money while interest rates were at ZERO ..Those crafty Japanese know its the “RETURN of your money “thats more important than “Return on Money” .Then they try to require any withdrawals had to be by check made payable to another Bank !  This is a country that had NO Social Security system for their retirement .Thats why savings were so HIGH!

Maybe that was better than having a SS System that Government controlled ….How is Japans Tax on capital any different than the US NOT giving a Cost of Living increase to SS while inflation runs 10 % in the real world.  Thats theft of Purchasing Power.!  Both are GOVERNMENTS theft from the Private SECTOR!  It always comes down to that dosent it ?   If you ever needed of proof that Governments are too big thats it.They will steal your savings by inflation or just grab the cash in your savings account !  Greece did the same thing ,now ASIA has adopted Greece version of Government theft .

just watch the Velocity of money collapse  and the money Supply in Japan  leave the country …  Lots of it coming to America’s large Capital markets for a while.Then the end Game is physical when the Dollar gets too strong for any exports to survive .   Paper GOLD will sky Rocket first .because its over sold compared to that relic stuff…….

good morning oasis ….and now for something completely different

Posted by WANKA @ 8:58 on February 4, 2016  

to get gold’s blood flowing… :mrgreen:


Greenback Lower …? Who the Hell Knows, But Probably In Part Becuase Some Fed Banker Opened His Chops

Posted by Farmboy @ 8:43 on February 4, 2016  

“”The US dollar fell heavily as key Fed official Dudley hinted rates would be on hold for longer and a US services survey hit a 2 year low. ”



Posted by Buygold @ 8:28 on February 4, 2016  

Did Wanka really call that? Geez, now he’ll demand guru status! 🙂

My gut feel usually turns out to be a bad case of gas, so I don’t know.  🙁

After all these years of beatings I’ve come to expect that we’ll just go back down. I guess $1150 would be a good place for the crooks to defend. Don’t know.

I am perplexed by the move lower in the USD though…


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.