OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Mr. Copper, mruk re flu shots

Posted by Warren @ 13:41 on May 14, 2020  

I have been wondering about the possible link to flu shots with respect to Covid 19. The death toll in long care facilities and nursing homes across North America seems to be out of proportion to the general population. So we have weakened individuals at the latter stages of life who have received flu shots over and over again succumbing to this bug. I have never had a flu shot either and never will. My god-given immune system is just fine, thank you. I don’t need some pharma company strong-arming the medical types to “stick everybody you can”. Can we trust these guys to look after our best interests or just their own. Always follow the money. I spent some time watching the docu-series “The Truth About Vaccines 2020″. One of the experts in the series was Dr. Judy Mikovits, PHD who blew the whistle some years back in her career and was destroyed by the powers that be – Fauci – and others, but is still sounding the alarm about the way vaccines are administered. Goldielocks posted a great link to her speaking about this. Also this link  https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/plandemic-final_fPhAYGTlVYjzWVv.html?fbclid=IwAR2AbDL7NOCznclA8H4X1lbJOHvoc5XZAc6yungT-ruCJAldC34_mjdZ2Cw is not to be missed.

There is a clip somewhere of Bill Gates explaining an equation (hah) along the lines of   ” CO2 = P + X + X + etc ” . He said P is the population and I can’t remember what the x’s are – doesn’t matter. So as far as he is concerned, to lower the atmospheric CO2, we have to reduce the population. Nice. Kind of rhymes with the globalists goal of reducing world population by billions. I wonder what will be in his covid19 vaccine that we will all have to get if he has his way probably along with a chip to make us into sheeple slaves. This is where I draw the line – no vaccines or other shots ever – unless I can be sure what is in it and that is not possible.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.