OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

I’m with You, Copper

Posted by mruk @ 9:53 on May 14, 2020  

The whole idea of a flu shot is ludicrous, first off the dose has to be made approximately , what 9-12 months before being administered to a continually mutating virus, resulting in the pharmaceutical taking a S.W. A. G at what may work ( In their mind ) for the up coming flu seasons. Second all the many if not all of the additives for preservation of the vials of the supposed treatment are documented to be hazardous to the human body. The delivery system ( injection ) used for the medication tends to over whelm the the body’s response system. Also like you mentioned, I believe those that get the shot, tend to spread the illness further. The number of supposed deaths from the annual flus, have always been over stated, most of the deaths are from ” Flu like symptoms ” it is part of the business model, that data always seems to lag real time by a year or two. It is funny that it takes the powers to be ( CDC, NIH, WHO, and the all to many others ) that long to collate a vague, and sketchy history of the virulence when they themselves are collecting that hard data, yet at the same time expect us to believe, that they can portend the future, with pin point accuracy! I do have to give credit to Dr Fauci , as he did predict about two years ago that President Trump, would face a pandemic, just something to make you go, HHHHMMMMMMMMM ????? The real clincher for me that these vaccination do not work, is that the medical industry is always pushing for mandatory use, if it really worked, one would be impervious the the flu, and those around you with the ailment could not infect you, at which point people would get the shot on their own volition, but once again that does not fit the business model ( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ )!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.