OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

A little bit here a little bit there at 52.32% it adds up

Posted by Ororeef @ 6:41 on October 13, 2017  

Authored by Tom Luongo via TomLuongo.me,

The biggest open-secret in Hollywood was that Harvey Weinstein was a Grade-A pervert.  And his ‘coming out party’ this week is incredibly intriguing.  Hollywood is a dirty place.

It’s Chinatown, squared.

And, at this point it’s what we don’t know that is more interesting than what we’ve heard so far.  But, staying focused on Harvey Gropeman, Producer at Large, his position has been to act as one of the main enforcers of the status quo in all of the power centers of the United States.

From the casting couches of Hollywood to the banks on Wall St. to the grubby think tanks in D.C., this story won’t have all the twists and turns of L.A. Confidential, but it will have the same implications.

Weinstein, in effect, was perfectly suited for his role.  He is a man of infinite appetites with poor impulse control.  A pathetic loser with power over hot, young women desperate for fame.

And these women made the trade willingly.  “Small price to pay, right?”  Wrong.

Look at the women most opposed to Trump, the Ashley Judds, the Gwynneth Paltrows.  They were all used by Weinstein or someone like him.  More will come out every day.

Ben Affleck is next because he couldn’t handle fame and power any better than the rest of them did. He’s also Batman and Disney will not pass up the opportunity to bloody Warner Bros. nose.

The story is perverted by the desperate need of the powerful to maintain their power at all costs.  Weinstein’s film companies acted like money laundering operations for the DNC.  How many millions did he raise for people like Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Feinstein?

How many millions were added to the budgets of performer’s salaries to be funneled from Wall St. financiers to those same people?

The whole thing is an internecine nightmare of quid pro quo and the shadiest of finances.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.