OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

GoodMorning Oasis, Is There A Dr. In The House? :)

Posted by Farmboy @ 9:28 on July 27, 2017  

Got busted yesterday with my JDST/DSVL. Still licking my wounds from that one. Ouch!

Teach me to trust those banksters ! Ha ! When is the last time gold and silver went up at OE in the month of July? Or the PM went up after a Yellen yap? Yep, got caught flat footed and gave up the last two weeks of gains. Grrrrr!. And broke a few of my own rules, like cutting a losing trade short. Maya must have slipped a little ‘Hopium’ in the coffee yesterday. I just KNEW that bounce after the Fed minutes wouldn’t last more than a few minutes.

Oh well, somedays you take out the badguys, somedays they are putting you in the box.

The good news is the core PM holdings got a much needed lift.

The bad news aint that I lost some money yesterday. I been a Goldbug too long to not be used to that. What irks me the most, gets my gut, is having to make those earnings over two and three times sometimes.

OK, done with my whining. Its back in the saddle and another new day. Beaten and bruised, my pride of being ‘wrong’ probably should be sent to the ER. Coffee in hand, lets Do This !

Best to all. 🙂

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.