OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Moggy @ 20:52 on April 10, 2017  


DATA: January 20, 2017 @ 12:01 P.M. EST – Washington, D.C.

This will address the disaster of Friday, April 7, 2017 when Trump ordered an air strike on Syria to punish Assad for his supposed chemical attack on his people.

The Transits:

Sun in the 12th house square radix Pluto in the 9th house

Jupiter in the 6th house square radix Pluto

Uranus in the 12th house semi-sextile Mars in the 11th

Uranus trine radix Saturn in the 8th house

Pluto in the 9th house square radix Uranus in the 12th

The Advisers:

Mercury, Jupiter and the 11th house represent advisers.

Advisor #1. Radix (natal) Mercury is at 6* Capricorn 46’.  I take this to represent Jared Kushner for the reason that he is a Capricorn and is young (Mercury rules youth); also because radix Mercury is in the early degrees (young) of the sign.

Mercury, representing Kushner, is transiting the 12th house of the Inauguration chart.  This is the house of sabotage.

Advisor #2. Jupiter is transiting the 6th house of military personnel, thus I take the #2 man to be McMasters.  Transiting Jupiter is square radix Pluto = horrific advice based on poor judgment (Jupiter under affliction always affects one’s judgment to the down side).

Adviser #3. The 11th house contains 3 planets, representing 3 (more) advisers…Neptune, Venus and Mars…a strategist, a woman and a warmonger.  Of the three, Mars brings the greatest amount of grief for Trump, and in turn for America, as it is square radix Saturn in the 8th house – the nation’s mortality rate.  The aspect of Mars square Saturn is one wherein it is necessary to proceed slowly and cautiously.  There is a struggle to break free from inhibitions, creating anger within.  Consequently Trump is likely to be irritable and easily angered, seething like a smoldering volcano.

Trump’s Mars at 29* Leo will be squared by transiting Mars from Taurus on April 19th – the famous day in American History that brought us Bay of Pigs in 1961, Waco in 1993, and the Oklahoma Bombing in 1995.  Mars square Mars brings rash and impulsive actions.  Maybe he’ll use the energy to finally drain the swamp.  One can only hope.




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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.