OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:22 on January 25, 2017  

You are right. They make no sense at all. If they are lesbians why would they worry about men in the first place. I don’t think they really get it with the muslims or the parties. The parties are like two different muslim cults fighting for power each pandering for division as a result which is opening the chance of a third party taking over like muslims.

Fortunately for us that third party was a infidel, Trump. And that’s how they treat him like two different fighting muslims  but will stop and band together to fight the infadel. Someone brought that up so just elaborating on it. Lol

Theyre fear mongering and blowing things out of porportion and their falling for it. They need to make him look like the bad guy to deligitimize all the good he’s done for this country after just a few days in office compared to the years of caranage and these bipartisan parties enriching themselves at our expense. They are becoming irrevelant.  They see through race colored glasses or women fear mongerong and demos pandering to it ALL of them.They have learned nothing but thats fine. They have also shown that in their arrogance they see nothing wrong with what they done. They are the example of  ” you can’t fix stupid” people.  Let them keep doing it because if they tried a different ” tactic” they wouldn’t be sincere anyways. Theyd just pick up where they left off and all the good we and our elected third party infidel lol Trump accomplished would again be erased.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.