OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

With the gold industry in a state of flux, the next big price move is up – Rob McEwen

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:55 on January 6, 2016  

TORONTO (miningweekly.com) – While gold output is in decline as a result of falling grades, mine closures and new construction projects being deferred, and the situation compounded by gutted exploration budgets and capital markets being effectively closed for the gold industry, the next big price move could only be up, the chief owner, chairperson and CEO of McEwen Mining, Rob McEwen, tells Mining Weekly Online. “Gold is cheap and gold shares are very cheap. I think we are at the bottom for gold. More consolidation and rationalisation is to come and today’s biggest producers will be surpassed by new leaders emerging from the mid-tier. “These new leaders will have stronger balance sheets, good growth stories and management – more focused on building their share owners’ wealth first, rather than their personal wealth – will emerge and take the lead,” the founder and former chief executive of the world’s largest gold miner by market capitalisation, Goldcorp, stated in an emailed interview.




Posted by ipso facto @ 10:47 on January 6, 2016  

Yeah … “lack of demand.”

The POS will fall until the last oz leaves crimex.

Get it while it’s cheap! Buysilver! :mrgreen:


Posted by Buygold @ 10:37 on January 6, 2016  

Just too bad that lack of demand in silver keeps hurting the price….

Seems it hurts the gold price too…



Posted by ipso facto @ 10:27 on January 6, 2016  

Man they’re sure slamming silver! Pricks!

Smell their fear … and the lower it goes the more silver is bought by the public.


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:25 on January 6, 2016  

It IS interesting that gold is doing so well with the dollar strong.

We don’t got to show you no stinkin strong dollar! 🙂



Posted by Buygold @ 10:21 on January 6, 2016  

yeah AAU should pick up and it was a little overbought – used Floridagold’s trusty 10/20 dma on that one

I’ve done OK with it before.

I guess we should be happy pm’s are up at all considering the USD strength of the last couple of days.

Dow down 220 … HUI up nicely

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:18 on January 6, 2016  

Warms my heart it does!

Here come the offers for SLV

Posted by Buygold @ 10:14 on January 6, 2016  

Seems the most we get anymore is about a half hour of solid rally



Posted by ipso facto @ 10:14 on January 6, 2016  

Alamaden should pick ups steam as well. I see that they got a little overbought lately. I think you just have to wait a bit and you’ll do fine.

That new gov in Argentina has relaxed their currency controls and are trying to get more mining investment. That should help Mux’s situation there with the San Jose Mine.

PS Check the cushions in the couch for change and buy LSG. You’ll be happy you did! 🙂


Posted by silverngold @ 10:04 on January 6, 2016  

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLOLOL!! I hope you won’t mind if I repost them. Thanks for starting my day off right!!

40,000 words

Posted by Scruffy @ 9:04 on January 6, 2016

Gun1Gun2StupidSquared Stupid


Posted by Buygold @ 10:02 on January 6, 2016  

Blew my last buy all to crap. Sold a third of MUX and bought AAU instead of paying up a little for LSG

MUX and LSG are screaming, AAU is flat.

Silver shares lagging a bit but so is silver.

Maddog @ 9:54

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:01 on January 6, 2016  

Good one! In the US the writer of that song would probably be arrested for “not loving Muslims” or some such Obama idiocy.

Geopolitical events

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:56 on January 6, 2016  

even if they goose gold don’t usually help the mining shares much, I guess on account of being viewed as transitory in nature. Today seems different.

Knock on wood.

God Bless Australia

Posted by Maddog @ 9:54 on January 6, 2016  


Maddog @ 9:46

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:53 on January 6, 2016  

No … a couple of thousand points … I think you got that right … :mrgreen:

My estimation of the average American just went up … even if they don’t value silver over a chocolate bar

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:51 on January 6, 2016  

New Gallup Poll – Americans Consider Government A Much Bigger Problem Than Guns


ipso facto

Posted by Maddog @ 9:46 on January 6, 2016  

Re N Korea

Having a certifiable nut case with an H Bomb in the world, shud be good for 1 or 2 thousand up pts in the Dow…or am I missing something ???????


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:40 on January 6, 2016  

I Have a dream … :mrgreen:

Would really like to see the shares confirm

Posted by Buygold @ 9:32 on January 6, 2016  

A nice 10% rally in GDX would go a long way…

I can dream..


Adding to the jitters

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:32 on January 6, 2016  

North Korea says it has the ‘H-bomb of justice’ after nuclear test


Hey Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 9:28 on January 6, 2016  

You weren’t wrong, just mistaken. 🙂

PM’s have put up a good fight the last couple of days despite a stronger USD

Course the bubbleheads on CNBS are blaming N. Korea and the hydrogen bomb test. It may just be as you said, the CB’s are getting overwhelmed a bit and N. Korea is a convenient excuse.

I believe that when the Fed raised they had to withdraw some money from the system, that isn’t working out so well at the start of the New Year.

Gold just took out $1187-89. I think that was a line in the sand for the idiot paper traders. This could get interesting.

Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:27 on January 6, 2016  

Aurcana Voluntarily Delists From OTCQX


Caledonia Mining Corporation: 2015 Production Update and 2016 Production Guidance


Sarama Resources Announces Completion of Sale of Liberian Exploration Properties to Aureus Mining Inc.


Sprott US Holdings’ Rick Rule Interviewed by The Gold Report


African Gold Group, Inc. Announces Sale of Ghanian Assets for US$1,200,000


Morning Buygold

Posted by Maddog @ 9:15 on January 6, 2016  

Well I’m wrong so far…but boy are they busy smacking AU etc.

What I’m wondering now is, as events are overwhelming the Scum somewhat, have the mkts grown so accustomed to the 24/7 Rig, that they are outgrowing it…..as in days of old if the mkts heard the Fed, or God forbid, the Bundesbank was in, they screamed that way…..How close are we to no shock left and the mkts just roll over the CB’s.

Morning Oasis

Posted by Buygold @ 8:21 on January 6, 2016  

Didn’t expect to see the SM getting shellacked this am. or gold getting a little safe haven buying, who woudda thunk it? Especially with oil getting creamed.

Goldielocks – interesting stuff about psychopaths, I caught some of Obozo’s speech yesterday and it seemed that whole room was full of psychopaths.

ADP payrolls surprise to the upside at 257K, giving them a reason to sell some gold although not that much so far.

Something seems amiss in the world.

I’m a little worried about how that standoff in Oregon will be resolved.


Commish SNG

Posted by goldielocks @ 5:52 on January 6, 2016  

Take a look at that picture then read about crying below. Wiping one eye at a time. Note other things on here. It wasn’t His fault it was Bush. Body language contradicts words. He went out campaigning the day after the Benghazi attack.

They constantly use the past tense.

Researchers have found psychopaths use past tense more than present tense, which could signal that they’re detached from the present, writes Glass.

They use cause-and-effect statements.

“Because psychopaths are entitled and see the world and others as theirs for the taking, researchers at the University of British Columbia found that they used more words such as ‘because’ and ‘so that'” says Glass, since they tend to rationalize their actions with their own logic.

They talk excessively about their basic needs.

Since they’re typically not occupied with anything else, psychopaths think about their basic needs a lot, such as food, shelter, and clothing, writes Glass. When talking about their basic needs, psychopaths tend to use twice as many words as usual or provide too much information.

They don’t take responsibility or blame.

Psychopaths usually think that they’re the victims, which comes from their sense of entitlement, says Glass.

“The psychopath will speak of himself in grandiose terms while blaming others and taking no responsibility for his actions,” she says. You can hear this in the lack and emotion of their voice.

They contradict themselves often.

This may even happen within the same sentence. “[Psychopaths] will lie or omit information when you ask them a question, but they may tell you the truth if you rephrase the question slightly. Researchers have discovered that this has to do with the particular way their brain is wired,” says Glass.

They are really bad at crying.

“When [Susan Smith] gave a press conference and cried about her missing children, her fake tears were actually what raised suspicions that she was the killer,” says Glass.

When psychopaths cry, Glass says they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. “When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at once.”

Glass says psychopaths will often say one thing, but their body language will tell a different story. For example, while saying the word “yes,” the psychopath could be shaking their head no.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.