OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:34 on June 16, 2015  

Wifi and plants, that’s interesting. Yes I believe that it can affect brain waves and remember nerves are involved as well as electrical type impulses and possible vibrate or over stimulate them just guessing. I went out of a wifi area or greatly diminished and don’t remember falling asleep at night, just went out woke up at around 5 am to pitch darkness and thought that was strange didn’t even remember falling asleep maybe just tired. Next night same thing happened. Get back to city and it went back to what seems to be normal plus maybe not getting as much REM sleep which can affect memory if goes on too long as well. I noticed that in some as well as seems to diminish their ability to handlee stress or I guess anyone. That study on Russian prisoners who were sleep deprived they went insane and actually stopped eating and ripping their flesh off.

So think there’s something in it. There is higher levels of abuse because of it depending on how much stres people can or can’t handke as well as mental health issues or being driven over the edge to insanity but usually those are extreme and may be whats or part of what’s going on in the Mid East as well as soilders exposed to it coming back.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.