OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Some “dirty pool” going on with the mandatory vaccination campaign in the US

Posted by silverngold @ 17:59 on February 24, 2015  

Better read!! You may be signing that you want them, thinking that you are signing that you are against them. Like everything else in this corrupt world the tricky  language you sign might be FOR rather than AGAINST this bill!!

The agenda behind the vaccination regime in the United States and elsewhere should be clear to you by now. Currently, there are plans to make vaccination mandatory. I share the following request with you from Dr. Rima Laibow:

Please make sure that everyone you can reach goes tohttp://TinyURL.com/VaccinationISViolation to take action by telling their State and Federal legislators and other decision makers NOT to create vaccine mandates for adults (they are coming for us, now, precisely as I said they would!) and then take the second action there to enter their names on the White House Petition against mandated vaccinations.

We usually do not deal with on-line petitions, but this one, already carefully buried so that people can only find the pro vaccine mandate links, is of unusual importance.

Please share this as widely as you can asking people who take the actions to then share the link with their social media, email and other circles.

Thanks so much,


So, if you are in the United States, I encourage you to play your part in stopping this sinister action.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.