OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

9/11 was no accident.

Posted by Maya @ 18:46 on February 11, 2015  

Gov’t ‘black ops’ types were deeply involved in “Make it happen/Let it happen” in that day’s events.  I remember watching the replays of the towers coming down on CNBC that morning.   I went to the bathroom and got the dry heaves.

At first I bought the official PR line.  But some months later, the engineer in me took over and began to research just what temperatures jet fuel burns at… and steel ‘softens’ at.  It didn’t add up.  The nagging engineering question was:  “Why didn’t the towers collapse immediately after the plane strikes?”

Then it was: “Why didn’t a partial collapse occur?  Why did it go all the way top down to the ground?”  The lower floors are the most heavily reinforced to support the tower.  With the tower above gone, there is no good engineering reason for the lower floors to collapse.

When I faced the horror that this ‘might’ be an inside job, I began to dig deeper… and got sicker.  I won’t attempt to list all the links and sources I used over the years.  But some of the items I learned were:

*- The WTC towers had a flaw with corrosion happening at the aluminum skin/steel frame interface.  They would have been structurally condemned soon.   (This became a convenient disposal idea.)

*- Bush family member was involved in contracting maintenance on the building in the year before.  Many floors and areas were not occupied, and contractors (possibly Israeli Mossad types) were able to bring in ‘construction supplies’ and wire the framework with thermite and detonators well in advance.

*- “Lucky Larry” Silverstein knew of the plans, carried double-indemnity insurance on the buildings, and was assured he would be able to re-develop the site afterwards.  Lucky Larry, who said “Pull It” in response to reports of a fire at WTC 7 and it may be structurally unsound.

*- Many troubling financial bonds were kept in the brokerage offices on the 100th floor of the tower.  More troubling records in WTC 7.  All ‘conveniently’ vaporized.   The pentagon accounting office areas were chosen for the same reason and targeted.

*- It was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon.  The day before, someone on the pentagon grounds with a lime spreader on the grass made a long white line for guidance directly into the target wall.  The American Airlines jet was diverted to a military base and landed.  The pilot was an ex-military black ops type.  It is assumed the passengers were offloaded and ‘disappeared’.  Months later, a jet with the same airframe serial number was re-certified and re-registered under a new number for service.

*- The videos of the towers before collapse clearly show thermite-type flares and sparks coming from several floors below the plane strike… just before collapse.   Now the way a demolition expert will ‘cut’ a massive steel support beam is to cut it at an angle so the pieces slide apart under weight and collapse.  See this beam?  Molten steel edges cut at an angle… thermite demolition!


*- There was a red hot molten steel pool at the base of the building pile that persisted for days and days.  Jet fuel doesn’t do that to steel.

*- Dick Cheney was personally in command of NORAD at the time, and actively sending our air defense jets away from the area on ‘exercises’.

*- The all-too-convenient “Patriot Act” was huge and IMMEDIATELY available for passage into law… ushering in the police surveilance and security aparatchik of the government.  (Great economic stimulus, eh?)

The list goes on and on… and it takes a strong stomach.  The realization that these monsters would sacrifice over 3,000 innocent people as ‘collateral damage’ in the way of their nefarious plans is way too much for most people to think about.  It highlights the power that these ‘background people’ wield over the government that we the people only think we have.

With that realization I lowered my public exposure profile and do my best to fly under the radar and anonymously as possible.  Years ago I learned I have a genius-level IQ and photographic memory.  I have been in the military security system… and they still check back on me in my civilian life.  People like me are dangerous to them, and I want nothing to do with them.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.