OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Nothing Unusuall

Posted by Ororeef @ 12:32 on January 17, 2018  

going on with Bit Coins ,its simply following Fibonacci natural Growth patterns.

found in Nature its currently nearing the 50 % support level .Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician that discovered  that Natural growth Patterns found in Nature are often repeated from birth till death .included are the Growth of new corporations ,new businesses  new industries ,new Paradyms included stock markets .A new stock actually has a Birth Date .The famed W.D.Gann investor was a Master in applying its principals and took 50 millions out of stocks back when 50 million bought something…besides scorn from communists.Bit Coin is a new baby !  watch it grow !The Spiral through the AIR is exemplified by the Conch Shell and mathmatically by Ganns Square if Nine…2.618  …..also the ratio of the distance of a womens belly buttton to her overall height ….hehe very natural and nice to view if you appreciate beauty and mathemetics at the same time…So you see when you are oogling a woman its just math being appreciated.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.