OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Why I Support Roy Moore

Posted by silver rider @ 7:11 on September 26, 2017  
Why I support Judge Roy Moore over Luther Strange
Most times elected officials are advised not to endorse or take a stand in any other race because they fear offending their constituents who support the other candidate, or they fear retaliation if the other candidate wins (the “no soup for you” phenomena). I do not subscribe to that philosophy so I will tell you just a few reasons I believe that Judge Roy Moore is without a doubt the best man to represent Alabama in the Senate:
  • Judge Moore is not a pragmatist. What I mean by that is that he will not alter his position just to get votes. I have heard politicians tell me that they believe a certain way, but then say they won’t publicly state that and say, “try getting elected holding that position”. I believe Judge Moore will state his position and explain to the public why. I respect that.
  • I believe he will support bills to restrict judicial overreach. He knows first-hand the dangerous results of unconstitutional legislating from the bench.
  • He has demonstrated that he will stand on principle even when it is unpopular and will result in his own hurt. He is a Ps 15:4 individual. “He who swears to his own hurt and does not change”.
  • He is not a part of the current Washington power structure. He is not under Mitch McConnell’s thumb. The current leadership is part of what is wrong in Washington and that is whom Luther Strange has made his bed.
  • I believe he will partner with his conservative colleagues in the Senate, and the Freedom and Liberty Caucus in the House, to promote liberty and the principles of limited government.
  • He knows the Constitution and will adhere to his oath of office to defend it – even when it is unpopular.
  • Judge Moore is an honorable man and has run an honest campaign. On the other hand, Luther Strange has knowingly allowed the Senate Leadership Fund to attack both Judge Moore and Mo Brooks with deceptive and misleading ads. Lately, his own campaign is doing the same. What a man does to get elected tells me a lot about the character of the individual. If a man will lie while seeking the office, he will lie when in office. People will use phrases like “it is just politics”, or “you just have to have a thick skin”, to justify their actions; however, at the end of the day they are still lies.
  • When the establishment pulls out all the stops like they have done in this election, you know they are scared. They want a candidate that they can control. Roy Moore owes no one and is owned by no one. They can’t control him and he does not fear them.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.