OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Oil: Death by electrification lol

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:12 on July 28, 2017  

They neglect to mention how expensive the battery’s are and not good for long distance driving. Not to mention resale. A nurse told me how not too long after buying a used electric car how she could barley make it to the store and back without having to do a recharge. Cost for a new battery in thousands. She decided to trade it in for a BMW mini coupe that takes gas and doesn’t have to guess how many miles she’ll get.

>From Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:

Tesla’s mass-market Model 3 will be launched this Friday at a starting price of $US35,000 ($43,725) and a battery range of 215 miles (346 kilometres) , with a target of 1 million sales annually within three years….

The argument at the big global banks has shifted from whether peak oil demand will occur to how soon it will occur. Goldman Sachs said this week that it could hit by 2024 in “an extreme case”. That is not extreme enough for Tony Seba from Stanford University and RethinkX.

…Professor Seba thinks EVs will reach cost parity within five years as prices fall below $US20,000 (versus $US24,000 for the average oil-based car today). Thereafter they will sweep the field on cost alone. With far fewer moving parts and a potential lifespan of half a million miles, they will render the combustion engine obsolete.

Source: Opec and the oil barons face a slow death by electrification

R640 -Gundlach

Posted by Buygold @ 21:04 on July 28, 2017  

Between you and I that is the third time it’s been posted. Good reminder though. 🙂

Gundlach is a smart dude, but I suspect he is uber short term gold futures. He’s going to get creamed on the Gold futures Monday am IMHO

Vince Lanci – who I love  – will also regret the minute he bought $1259 gold

The boyz are back in town folks… sorry to say…COT says…

Wow Commish

Posted by Buygold @ 20:58 on July 28, 2017  

Really going to miss Reince Penis, no doubt one of the establishment leakers. So Gen. John Kelly takes over? Will he leak too?

The swamp is so huge, could it ever be drained?


Mr Copper

Posted by goldielocks @ 20:54 on July 28, 2017  

Go here and type in Gold Stocks or Silver stocks. You’ll see most the stocks that trade. That’s in response to one you never seen before.

Reince Priebus Out

Posted by commish @ 17:36 on July 28, 2017  

John Kelly from Homeland Security will be the new White House Chief of Staff.  https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

Gundlach said he still has exposure to gold and predicted gold prices would rise because “gold looks cheap compared to markets that have rallied a lot, including bitcoin and including Amazon.”

Posted by Richard640 @ 17:11 on July 28, 2017  
DoubleLine Capital’s Jeffrey Gundlach tells Reuters that his firm bought some five-month put options on the S&P 500 a couple of days ago after VIX fell to lowest since December 1993.
“This is like free money,” Jeffrey Gundlach said in phone interview with Reuters, noting that “we lost money the first day we put on the trade, but now we are doing great.”
Additionally, Gundlach tweeted overnight about copper (and its bearish implications for Treasuries)…
“Copper/Gold ratio soaring to the high of the year!”.
“Not good news for the “1.50% 10 year” crowd. Neither is 10 year Bund holding above 50 bp.”
So, it appears Gundlach is bearish stocks and bonds… which is the direction they both traded today.

Self Sacrifice

Posted by Maya @ 16:00 on July 28, 2017  


Don’t worry… it wasn’t me.    …busy.

America gonna crash! $ gonna crash? Big, smart money doesn’t think so

Posted by Richard640 @ 15:54 on July 28, 2017  
Foreigners Scramble To Buy US Debt Every Time Rates Rise
the selloff observed in 2016 is now clearly over, and as of the week of July 26, foreign holdings of US paper parked at the Fed were back over $3 trillion, and just why of all time highs

US credit remains fundamentally expensive with HY and IG spreads roughly 1.1 and 1.3 standard deviations rich. But managers are long credit as growth is deemed reasonable enough to keep default rates below average and industry pressures from low interest rates, QE and passive vehicles is forcing many managers into the market. Some of our key signals are flashing yellow, but fall short of red flags. Our forecasts call for normalization in spreads towards fair value, with weak corporate earnings, policy uncertainty, waning foreign demand and lower oil prices as key downside risks; conversely, tax reform and oil prices into the $50s are upside risks. In the US our core positioning view favors intermediate US high grade bonds, particularly bank bonds as well as floating rate loans (relative to high yield), acknowledging expensive valuations.

Finally, looking at just the Treasury market using the most up to date proxy available, the Fed’s Custody Account, the selloff observed in 2016 is now clearly over, and as of the week of July 26, foreign holdings of US paper parked at the Fed were back over $3 trillion, and just why of all time highs. So much for that great foreign dumping of US Treasurys.

COT Report

Posted by Buygold @ 15:48 on July 28, 2017  

Back to normal. The scum is acting as it always does, same with the funds – always getting fleeced. Amazing the funds would cover on the Tuesday before a Fed meeting?

Either that or the scum is playing both sides which is probably likely.

Getting ready for the rinse, repeat phase.


USD really getting smashed despite the phony GDP numbers

Posted by Buygold @ 15:04 on July 28, 2017  

We’ll see if we get the last hour ramp in the SM and hit to the pm’s

So far that appears to be the case as big offers have now arrived in SLV and to a lesser extent GDX

Really looking forward to the COT Report – no clue why… 🙂


Posted by Buygold @ 12:55 on July 28, 2017  

Yes, good analysis. It does seem to me that the corrections are getting shallower and somewhat shorter since 2016. The notional paper dumps, while always frustrating do seem to be getting less bang for the buck.

I do find it somewhat worrisome that the shares have yet to confirm upside moves in the metals and have underperformed all year but we’ve seen that change in a hurry before.

We’ve had a good week of performance considering a Fed meeting and Options expiration. Next week we’ll have a jobs report to contend with.


Latest Problem Is Lacking Wage Inflation, As Per Bloomberg

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:45 on July 28, 2017  

Saying there is a LACK in wage inflation, is exactly the same as saying there is a LACK of postage stamp inflation, if a postage stamp was STILL 5 cents today.

Or a problem with a LACK of food inflation if a loaf of bread was still 25 cents. Or a LACK of car price inflation if new cars were $10,000.

The wage inflation has to mandated by a Dept of Labor law in each state or county or a standard need like the post office uniformly raising stamp prices from 2 cents to 50 cents. It was a NEED to stay in business  regarding what is proper value or COST of doing business. Each household is a small business, and all related costs to operate should be deductible against income. SIMPLE.

No employer on the planet is stupid enough to pay more than he has to unless being forced to pay the right price like he does for material costs, utility costs taxes etc etc. They have to be FORCED to pay about $23.50/hr for anybody willing and able to work 40 hours a week. In the NY City area middle class needs about $150K per/yr. You need 2,000/week $50/hr, to pay low rent of $2000 per month.

If the business can’t absorb the added cost, then they have to shut down. Simple. can’t afford your taxes? Utilities? Vendor costs, same thing you need to shut down. Having a gov’t mandated, below cost of living wage, is no different that a tax subsidy FOR that business.

Another thing. Businesses LOVE cheaper than normal material and labor costs. Take note, lots of important materials are also lacking “cost inflation,” thanks to the RIGGED futures market.

Minimum wage should be different in each state or county, because cost of living is different in every state or county. An abnormally low minimum wage in the area is like corporate WELLFARE for small and large USA businesses. And most don’t really need the “public assistance” to start with.

But the globalists want US businesses on welfare. They did everything they could to keep the USA artificially alive, without our manufacturing jobs.

Note: The Dept Of Labor has been UNDER reporting the REAL inflation rate for DECADES (we all know this) to protect the international value of the globalists US Dollar’s value. Also a needed to keep social security raise at a minimum.

Honesty is the best policy. And these global bankers and influences are NOT honest, for decades and will eventually PAY. Again like the summer of 2008.


so they harrass Wanka to steal his business but let these half wits terrorize the sea and land.

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:45 on July 28, 2017  

This one shows a shark being dragged by a hook while going high speed battering the shark. Another showed a pelican being abuse. Another a dead dog they said they found but suspected they used it as shark bait. Another of a hammer head held upside down while pouring beer in his mouth. Hammer head have low stress tolerance that release chemicals that will kill it.They require low stress quick release. People have been reporting them but nothing done.
These half wits are off their mental reservation probably with daddys boat and probably parents have some influence on law but not the right side.

@Buygold…I know what you mean…been charting gold for 20 years

Posted by wxman @ 12:40 on July 28, 2017  

many things seem to be lining up for an up move at this time, as I stated in my post
the move off the 2016 bottom seems impulsive, and the correction since the 2016 top is minor so far

Good article – I like Vince Lanci and his honest analysis

Posted by Buygold @ 12:34 on July 28, 2017  



Posted by Buygold @ 12:29 on July 28, 2017  

Thanks for the response. You have no idea how much I hope you are right.

It has been a very long six years.

@Buygold…I would expect new highs in 2018

Posted by wxman @ 12:23 on July 28, 2017  

Buygold @ 11:42

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:09 on July 28, 2017  

Roger that.


Posted by Buygold @ 12:09 on July 28, 2017  

Thanks for the chart!

Course I am skeptical when it comes to charts and pm’s as I’ve seen so many false breakouts…

That being said, if this were to be a wave III run – how high could it go on a percentage basis? Any guess.

BTW – JMHO but whoever is covering their shorts today is doing it as a professional seeking the best price. Don’t see that on the downside, but on the upside it’s always strategic.

XAU similar to 2000-2003 bottom

Posted by wxman @ 12:00 on July 28, 2017  

sorry for the busy plot…but XAU is performing stronger than the bull market starting in 2000

Bollinger bands are squeezing, 8 year cycle has bottomed

price is between the 50 and 200 moving averages

we could now be starting a wave 3 up

also looks like an inverse head and shoulders bottomxau28jul17

FARM BOY ! : I got a Gold Tree

Posted by Ororeef @ 11:50 on July 28, 2017  

On my front Lawn I have a Crepe Myrtle and every year the FIRST blooms start when Gold prices start upward  ….to the DAY  !and the mass of Blooms determines how big the Bloom harvest  will be I havent determined that yet! I have to count the BUDS..My particular variety dosent match all Crepe Myrtle in Virginia , lot of them started earlier ,but mine matches the Gold season exactly,every year and the first blooms are there !  I prune it back when dormant certainly by DEC -February .Silver season ends as I cut all the years growth back to the BUD knot in February.The branches usually grow 8 feet each year .For the last 40 years it has predicted the beginning of Gold Season exactly..

Mr. Copper

Posted by Buygold @ 11:42 on July 28, 2017  

I ended up with Kirkland by accident, one of the juniors I owned a couple of years ago merged and that’s how I own it. I can’t even remember what I owned before that got me the shares.

I do think it’s a big Sprott favorite.

I would never actually pick a winning gold stock, I just got lucky. 🙁


Posted by Buygold @ 11:28 on July 28, 2017  

we keep getting these little bursts of what appears to be short covering that sends gold up a buck or two, then a pause for awhile, then another little burst.

Definitely a little different pattern that I’ve seen in awhile. Would love to see the flood gates open and shorts running toward the exits.

Here’s the culprit – BREAKING: “North Korea fires another missile that lands in the sea near Japan in what’s called the “economic zone” where shipping takes place”


Posted by Ororeef @ 11:27 on July 28, 2017  


Buygold @ 10:20 re KLGDF

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:17 on July 28, 2017  

It looks good. I never heard of Kirkland Gold before. Nobody here ever mentioned it. When and where did you discover it?

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.