OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Buygold 9:32

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:32 on April 20, 2024  

Thanks for mentioning about the poor guy that set himself on fire. That’s one field of health that is greatly underserved and underfunded. I only heard a quick mention until you mentioned it. A couple of articles have bits and pieces but writers kept bringing up Trump’s trial like insinuating he was guilty. That’s one thing that contradicts that guy Max who was right about a lot of what he believed or most could agree but  Biden they said in that article,  as Deer says they can’t get their stories straight,  Biden or Hilary or whomever ” and Trump were in it together seems like comparing apples to oranges.

After reading a bit of what Armstrong went through in NY they seem to have a pattern of modus of operandi steps that is very similar almost robotic.  They are incapable of any empathy or sense of right and wrong but just who pays their bills like a judicial and sloppy political hit men that apparently have no accountability or interventions during the act for gross malpractice and pay for play corruption. Armstrong came out with a couple of articles on the NY judicial system and that Judge. There is a long list of reasons that judge should be removed from the case and removed from the bench all together.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.