OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

A ZH reader=It’s astonishing to see every day that NOTHING HAPPENS… NOTHING CHANGES..

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:06 on May 25, 2021  
After the 2008 Depression, in 2009 I thought we were done for.  Then in 2010, I thought … no way the FED can hold the line.  Then came 2011, 2012, 13, 14, 15……  I never would have thought they could keep this listing Titanic afloat for as long as they have.  Of course, they have trampled every sound economic theory and money practice into the dirt doing so, but so far they have muddled along.  I don’t see why this can’t go on for at least a couple more years, inflation or not.
It’s not the FED only. It’s global. The FED is the only the cornerstone. The other CBs offer the flexibility that the FED needs to keep the policies actually unchanched since 2009.
The whole world is by necessity a USD-bagholder. 
The problem is that this “scheme”, this “framework”, works only if you have full direct on indirect control on your bagholders. Which brings with itself a lot of political and geopolitical problems.
Without doubts the plot is working.
It’s astonishing to see every day that NOTHING HAPPENS… NOTHING CHANGES.. and hey there are entire countries that are unhappy with. Nevertheless NOTHING HAPPENS. 
Look at the articles on ZH ! They are mostly irrelevant BS ! Nothing against the Tylers, but it’s the world out there that offers ANYTHING RELEVANT to discuss about. I come every day here becasue this Website is very nice and well done and very actual… and there is NOTHING new anyway. NOTHING happens.
But hey that’s a very fragile equilibrium that will cause very very bad consequences when/if it goes belly up.
Unfortunately Americans are anesthesized…. obese sheep in line… they don’t understand that their elites at the wheel are not only blindfolded, but totally drunk and on coke.
The only solution lies within the US and its population… to invert the direction, before everything explodes on their… on our face.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.