OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Alex Valdor @ 9:58 on December 6, 2018  

I would refute that particular piece – but I am glad I saw it .

I was at the first Trump rally post-inauguration at Melbourne , FL airport in a hangar .
When introduced , DJT immediately turned the podium over to Melania . Her first words were “Let us Pray” … and went straight into the Lord’s Prayer . At that moment I knew the White House was in good hands . Melania’s followup discourse was about bringing peace to our nation and the world . The opposition has decided on the opposite path , and of course Melania was criticized for sowing discord ( offending Islam and atheists ? ) by daring to center her talk on a Christian theme .

I belong ( and am in a lay position ) in a major Christian religion which is very democratic in philosophy … democratic in the sense that it is a religion directed up from the ranks , not top down as in Catholicism . Of course that attracts many Democrats and do-gooders who would like to base church policy on the ’cause du jour’ . At a recent national convention , the latter type was able to make it national policy to allow Same Sex Marriage if approved at the local level . Thankfully , at the local level it was not approved , but there will be pressure from some to accept an anti-Biblical modern approach .

All is not well in my view at the level of the National Council of Churches which was founded in the 1950’s on the crumbling foundation of a Communist organization .

Early leaders of the new Christian church warned of wolves in sheeps clothing who would spread dissension and Paul’s letters tell of such problems . The article you saw and posted falls into that category , I believe .

I see Trump as a man with deep Christian convictions . He is often accused of being a war monger , but if you watch closely , he starts from a strong position , but extends an olive branch , and is prepared to negotiate up to a point . I believe he is a Constitutionalist as well , so tries to adhere to principles of freedom . His message redounds to the common folk and drives the elitists to distraction .

According to the Bible , when Christ was born , the event was announced by angels , not to the ruling elite , but to dirty ragged shepherds in the surrounding hills , who were the first to come to the stable – not exactly a perfumed group .

I see Trump as one who is looking out for the country , not the Beltway insiders , and they are fighting him tooth and nail .

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.