OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Lurkersince95: Like you, I have been holding since late 2000

Posted by Elliott @ 14:10 on May 8, 2018  

My advice is for you to hold what you have and add to your positions.  There are some excellent mining companies out there that will see bigger profits when the prices go up soon.  I hold a lot of GG, WPM (used to be SLW), AUY, PVG and HL.  I have seen them lose a lot since 2012 but they are primed now.  I think the dollar will lose ground and gold will be going up as a result of the Iranian situation.  The North Korean situation is still not settled and will cause further turmoil.  The USA is almost at full employment and we will see bigger upticks in inflation.  Most commodities are going up.  Happy days for gold and silver miners is on the way.

Old timer

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:08 on May 8, 2018  

Even though I put I don’t know because haven’t seen the books the military needs to be supported. Just recently a plane crashes becaise it was 20 years old. They are working with substandard equipment and not the first time. Also many vets slipping through the cracks with medical issues. Although they may have some of the best in the world medical doctors the waiting lists are atrocious not no mention travel time to and from and have trouble being reimbursed for it before the next travel comes up. Meanwhile we can have illegals crossing the borders waving their flags with crooked layers waiting for them teaching them how to game the system. Then Obama made it so they don’t have to serve in the military.

This is brilliant Illinois sanctuary city’s for gun owners.

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:59 on May 8, 2018  

They are trying to make a point that they really resent how the city of Chicago treats the rest of the state and how they’re treated as gun owners,” said Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association.
The resolutions are largely symbolic — a way for communities where guns are cherished and where hunting is a way of life to make the point that they view most restrictions on guns to be unconstitutional.
“We wanted to … get across that our Second Amendment rights are slowly being stripped away,” Kibler said.
Dave Workman, of the Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation, sees something more.
“It’s like a warning shot across somebody’s bow,” said Workman, who knows of one other place, Oregon’s Deschutes County, that is looking at doing something similar to the Illinois counties. “If you’ve got four or five counties telling Chicago something, that’s significant.”
Such talk worries Kathleen Willis, a Democratic state representative from suburban Chicago who sponsored some of the gun legislation.
“I don’t think you can say, ‘I don’t agree with the law so I won’t enforce it,'” she said. “I think it sends the wrong message.”
Kibler, though, said he thinks the resolutions send the same message that cities like Chicago send by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. He said he won’t speculate about how he’d deal with new gun restrictions that haven’t been signed into law, but that legislators need to understand, “If you pass it we might not pay attention to it.”


Posted by ipso facto @ 13:40 on May 8, 2018  

Trains would be a lot simpler to automate than cars!

FYI Nevsun Resources NSU Breaking Out

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:39 on May 8, 2018  

One of my biggest long term dogs finally looking better. Copper related. Possible take over thing going on I guess.



Posted by old-timer @ 13:34 on May 8, 2018  

I don’t usually have anything to post here but, regarding the current Poll,

according to the Greg Hunter story, there is no “deal”.

Nothing was signed, just pallets of cash sent somewhere.

Link to video:


Would Anybody Here Like To Talk About The Economy? AKA “The Situation”?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:26 on May 8, 2018  

Before Vronsky starts chopping away? I’m here. I just pulled up a chair at a remote location with an i-pad. I think TPTB are having trouble trying to keep all countries economically happy at the same time.

By raising and lowering the US Dollar. Or they are raising and lowering the Euro. China is exempt, with the Yuan pegged. So its the non Chinese countries that they are trying to support, because they ALL import from China the sanctuary vendor, flooded with manufacturers from around the world (and the Chinese) who don’t want change.


Posted by goldielocks @ 13:23 on May 8, 2018  

You see lol Maybe you should tell him to go to the other site. You know when it was one site until one of his comrades started stealing our bandwidth or whatever they call it to make money without telling Wanka. I wonder how long he’d last there?

I hope this guy is right about our next leg up for gold….Iran announcement soon

Posted by Elliott @ 13:16 on May 8, 2018  




Posted by Elliott @ 12:59 on May 8, 2018  

No one cares what he types

Posted by eeos @ 12:57 on May 8, 2018  

He loves mental masturbation and story telling. Righting wrongs. Holding hands. Blowing noses. He’s our forum nanny,  here to clean up all misnomers. No value add included.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:53 on May 8, 2018  

No use trying to be civil to someone who appears to have a Narcissistic personality disorder. You only feed into his need to feel superior over others and all needs to revolve around him. Ironically it’s not because they have a good sense of esteem but in fact not so good so they will need constant reinforcement or they will attack. He’s got our address and typical of the needy type despite so many telling him he’s not needed here he will self impose. Even if he knew this was a private blog that has been paid for by the posters it wouldn’t matter to him.


Posted by Buygold @ 12:43 on May 8, 2018  

Agree. With the strength in the USD lately pm’s are holding up pretty well, as are the pm shares.

It could be and has been a lot worse.

I agree ipso

Posted by eeos @ 12:26 on May 8, 2018  

If Google Maps and Waze can tell me the exact speed limit everywhere and my speed why the hell can’t Warren equip his train set with GPS and a simple electronic brake system? I realize slow downs and electronic systems are vulnerable to security risks tho.

Portugeezer says all of you have reached consensus on this site…are you all little droids?

Posted by Elliott @ 12:22 on May 8, 2018  

LMAO, I guess you all are following the lead of the Lord Portugeezer and his little group of conspiracy theory fanatics.   Well, I don’t think so.  Yeah, I am waiting for “proof” that the Sandy Hook shootings were staged and how all those terrified little children, parents, and first responders are all fakes.

Hell no I am not a Hillary supporter.  I am a Reagan conservative and have been voting for conservatives since I started voting in 1972.  I am a rational conservative, not an “alt-right” idiot who swallows all the conspiracy theories from frauds like Alex Jones who comes up with that crap to increase his fortune.  The alt-right crowd also contains Neo Nazi’s too, and I have seen evidence of those idiots on this site as well.

I am a precious metal investor, and have been since 2000.  I retired early, in 2007,  because I made so much money on my gold and silver investments during the last market crash.  I support Donald Trump, apple pie, and America.   I play senior league softball during March – October and play on a traveling team that plays in tournaments from Charleston SC to Salisbury MD and West to Roanoke, VA.

Now I just voted on the latest poll and I am in agreement with most of you because the Iran Nuclear Deal is a fraud that allows the Iranians to control the inspections of their nuclear sites.  If you cannot verify, then you cannot trust.  On the other hand, I voted against most of you who want to decrease our military spending.  Well, you cannot have it both ways…that is you cannot withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal, confront the Russians and Chinese, and do it on a smaller, less capable military.  “Peace through fire superiority” is the motto that we followed in the Marine Corps.


Seems to me

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:29 on May 8, 2018  

that trains would be a good candidate for “self-driving.” How many people have been killed in the past few years from operator error? Quite a few! Inexplicable to me how you can be responsible for hundreds of lives and instead of watching what you are doing you are playing on your phone.

@Richey, Good Point, Re Strong Dollar with Gold Holding Up Well.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:10 on May 8, 2018  

That could be a sign that sooner or later Gold will de-peg itself totally from the Dollar. By the way, they need to de-peg the Dollar from the Yuan too.

Seriously folks, with this surging $, I think it’s amazing that gold isn’t down $30 & silver’s not down 50 cent

Posted by Richard640 @ 11:01 on May 8, 2018  

Nice…but resilience doesn’t pay the bills…

LurkerSince95-Keep a bag packed-I do! The Messiah is coming…gold 2500 in 2018! [snicker!]

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:59 on May 8, 2018  

The end is nigh, brother, the end is nigh!

World markets are like a pie crust stretched across the roof of a volcano!

Fu Manchu is about to pull the lever to the trap door!

Warbucks signals the trusty  Punjab to cut the cords of the rope bridge!

Grease the skids! Happy tobogganing!

Re: POLLS Should the US withdraw from the world and the Allies?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:37 on May 8, 2018  

Re Too Many Empty Vacant Store Fronts In Your Area?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:32 on May 8, 2018  

You COULD say some Americans ARE boycotting imports. But its not voluntary. They don’t have as much discretionary income. So its a “subliminal” or “natural”.

So far in my area the only ones able to keep spending are overly paid unionized gov’t employees, and or Gov’t vendors. The other group are the self employed Tradesmen.   Carpenters plumbers electricians etc. All deductions and less income reported.

Lets not forget the auto body shops, tranny shops, all under reporting cash. The regular people, not in the “system”? That go to work? They should call that an “employment tax” because they are the only ones really paying. The people that pay, pay for the people that don’t pay.


Posted by LurkerSince95 @ 10:24 on May 8, 2018  

hey good buddy, elliot,   what is your opinion on global warming   (aka : CHEM TRAILS)  ????

Tenters  : enough of this bickering !!!!!!!!!!   this site is info site on how i can make a dime from my silver and gold

that i have been holding since Y2K   !!!! ( i’m still waiting on the OK from Wanka John to sell)


Posted by ipso facto @ 10:19 on May 8, 2018  

Cup included? 🙂

Lundin Mining and Euro Sun Disclose Proposal to Acquire Nevsun Resources

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:19 on May 8, 2018  


Dressed As A Home Plate Umpire

Posted by commish @ 10:14 on May 8, 2018  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.