It appears Hillary may be running for her life along with the presidency. Obama threw her under the bus when he gave her it guy immunity but he still didn’t speak. The fbi will have to stop the Clinton killing machine but if Trump wins, the shackles come off. They will find someone they can flip and expose everything. The Clinton machine has a warehouse of skeletons to find a link. I think Obama will make a deal to be excluded if he gives up Hillary. If Hillary loses the election, the rats will be jumping the Clinton ship and the reefs are in sight.
The liberals and their parasites know full well what is at stake. There is NOTHING they won’t do between now and Election Day. If Trump wins, expect chaos in the last days of the current administration, anything to disrupt the transition.
As I was accumulating expendable heavy metal, I still wasn’t sure who and what the problem would be. Financial upheaval always trip secondary violence in some form. What a cocktail we have now! Illegal aliens, muslims, ex entitled liberals, drug dealers, and common garden variety scum. Who is the enemy?