This morning on Bloomberg, just to show you how full of crapola the financial media news is. They announced big new stimulation method in Japan, and said, that’s why the Yen went up. Wrong.
The Yen (and all other currencies) went up because the central planners started dropping the too high (for USA rebuilding) Dollar. Which raises or inverses all the others up automatically.
My news? A higher Yen hurts Japan, so Japan had to stimulate more to over ride the negative effect of a lower dollar higher Yen. Looks like my TZA is starting to work.
All that “new highs” hoopla re Dow SnP was more likely a blow off top, or false break outs. Us gold bugs saw hundreds of false break-outs on the way down.
Currency Charts, just look, don’t think, what TPTB WANT you to think.