OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Mr Copper

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:07 on December 3, 2015  

It’s not just publication its Islamifacation by infiltration.
They know they can’t beat out military so are working on infiltrating and birthing child jihadist. People that will kill their own children for Islam to kill yours. Perhaps as quick as a generation or two your grandchildren will be subjugated persecuted and killed off and wiped off the map of their country. This is already starting is Europe.
Their strategy is to infiltrate and dominate America.
It used to be Shaira was only concerned with Muslim countries. This only shows they now consider the west is to conquer to Islam.
Whether they are using religion to gain power or money it’s based on the idea of radical religion jihad against the world.

7 century Arabia Iraq Iran Spain Portugal
1453 constanople and Europe
We’re in third and final phase
Fight against infidels across the world
Must be under Islam
So called non violent Moderates want to replace freedom, the infidels to Islam and shaira.
They openly hold signs Islam will dominate. No deportation by current leaders.
Their strategy is force Islamic Shaira.
Look at Gaza Strip Arabia Iraq Sudan
Iraq 7 priest kidnapped 2 murdered.
Christians being murdered churches burned down.
Bethlehem only about 10 % christians left due to muslim infiltration.
Christian there are persecuted over taxed and forced to hide their religion, not allowed to carry a bible.
Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed Bhuddist statues that were there 100 s of years
Iraq modesty police
5000 girls every year killed for honor killings
Gays seen as a contagious disease.
It’s the fastest growing religion in the world.
What percent of Muslims here openly not counting are one in four condone terrorism.
25 percent under age 30 condone suicide bombing
Political Islam to blame west not to assimilate. Their taught to hate secular society.
Groups like AMC, CAIR that support groups like Hamas and hesbolla are front groups calling on Islam to take over America. They show one face to public and back door to Islam infiltration and promotion.
Hamid said can’t win on military level so plot to infiltrate from with in. Trojan horse.
We have leaders not willing to recognize or do but don’t have what it takes to stand up before it’s too late.
Obama now wants to allow Iran to enrich nuclear power which could wind up as dirty bombs all over the world and in your city.
The Islam leaders see this and tell their people that America and EU is weakening and will be a matter of time before they take over.

If we don’t get weak leaders out strong leaders in, educate the public which is difficult with a now subjugated media and stop buying their oil your grandchildren will not only have no future but no existence.




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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.